Anyma Omega Keyboard and Desktop from Aodyo

I’ve intensified the color in the two CAD images of the circuit boards in the two Omegas.

Anyma Omega Keyboard

Anyma Omega Desktop

You can see the design ( as you would expect ) is a collection of sub-unit circuit boards. Also as you would expect, Aodyo is using some of the sub-units in both, specifically the Main Display with Encoders, the Patch Diagram Selector Interface, and the Sixteen Modulator Selector Interface. Notice how those puzzle pieces “interlock” differently in the two different arrangements. You’d also expect that the Processor Board would be in common, and likely all or most of an I/O Connector panel both not shown in the images.

Also you can see the difference in size of the Ribbons in both. I would expect the Ribbon in the keyboard version to be relative to the Keyboard for pitch. The Desktop, well i guess that is a little more open pitch-wise, perhaps there could be a narrow guide strip similar to the one in the video ? There is a piezo microphone on the ribbon on desktop and on the pad on the keyboard.

… Me just dreaming and for sure it would not be for quite a while, but the Omega seems ideal for a MIDI 2.0 interface. Both as a controller, and as a hardware synth device. There are a lot of details to be worked though to do this but this in the long run will be better than MPE The screen on the Omega is as large as the one on the new Native Instruments Kontrol S-Series Mk3 MIDI 2.0 controller ( thread ).

And the Omega especially the Keyboard version has a generous set of UI controls to be used ( OK no sliders ). Picture with Property Exchange using the screen to display parameters on an external device. Or on the flip side, using the computer based editor to set up names and controls that might show up in your MIDI 2.0 DAW to control the Omega.



“We have successfully tested most user interface boards for both Keyboard and Desktop versions, except the main display board, which is still in development.”

“Additionally, we are making progress with the PolyAT Fatar keyboard.”

“Our next objective is to implement the Aftertouch scan for every key.”


Definitely picked up a “signal” for whatever reason i was checking KS early this morning looking for an update.



but seriously, I would like to see some more updates from them. Even if it’s a samey update.

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News : Aodyo is exhibiting at SynthFest France in 103 days. Apr 19-21 ( thread )


It just popped for me. I’m expecting an update. There’s something going on.

SFF is in 70 days.

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The last video showing the keyboard tells me that we are still far from a finished product.

I don’t think we will see it soon. I have the feeling there is still lots to do.

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When one goes to the Kickstarter Page and clicks “Pre-Order”, it says this:

Anyma Omega Desktop Autumn EA: June 2024
Anyma Omega Keyboard Summer EA: April 2024 (changed from February 2024)

I don’t know if that’s always been there like that since there is still September 2023 etc. below.


I backed the Phi Kickstarter and have now shifted the box on. It came with about six presets, so I designed a load, which inevitably involved using a computer. At times it felt like the box was a fancy dongle.

The matrix is a best serendipitous, at worst inscrutable, as the parameter mapping will vary from model to model - the display is also smaller than a postage stamp.

I particularly liked the plucked sounds and the Mutable Instruments Modal module. It can also do woodwinds and brasses, if you like that kind of thing, plus more besides. It benefits from velocity, after touch and controllers, and I realised I wasn’t going to get the best from it sequencing it with a digi series box.

The clunky programming and underpowered CPU killed it for me. I’d compare it to some of the 90s black box hardware - lots of potential and utility, but if you like to design sounds quickly, without a computer, then look elsewhere.

Hi BrokenGadget.

Did you know, there is an Anyma Phi Thread ?

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Sorry if I’ve clogged up this thread with my ramblings - I was picking up on some of the earlier discussion about the Phi in this thread.

I hope the UI on the Omega is very much improved in comparison to the Phi.

A post script to the story is that the Phi fetched £250 when sold and I spotted it auctioned on again for the same amount a few weeks later.



1 literal buttload of encoders :open_mouth:


Plus a ton of buttons

I’m waiting for the Anyma Omega and the Fred's lab - Manatee - Multitimbral MPE Synthesizer. Both are crowdfunding projects and both are delayed by months.


Fred is sharing updates regularly, in full transparency, offering you a seat in the journey to release a new product. It is a pleasure to follow, I’m learning a lot about how the production of a hardware synth by a small manufacturer works. We are all rooting for Fred and their quest.

Meanwhile, the Aodyo team… are almost hermetically silent. I understand and respect teams who are not active on social media regularly, that takes a lot of time and resources for a small team. But I’m sure there is a point in between.

In crowdfunding projects, either you deliver like a clock (silence is fine, then) or you cover up for your delays with frequent updates to your “shareholders”.



“This pivotal decision, made very recently, will unfortunately delay Omega production by an additional minimum of six months.”


On the other hand, this hopefully means that we won’t have the same problem with maxing out the CPU on a complex device that the Phi has, or at least not as easily.


Something that I’m noticing is that waiting for synths you have already paid for helps reduce GAS. Of course, it also helps learning more about the music software and gear you already have and keep using. And also you can’t spend the money you have already spent in the crowdfunded synths.

I can’t avoid being an optimist, I guess. :sweat_smile:


Is anyone familiar with Native Instruments Prism?

Will this provide a similar sound, if it gets released?