Analog Rytm OS 1.50: bug reports

Perfect! Thanks

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AR MK1: I can`t disable the Auto Track Switch in the SEQUENCER CONFIG Menu.

It switches if you hit “Yes”…the left and right arrows don’t seem to work on it like the other menu items


I have already reported that UX issue

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If you load many samples, then go to the RAM -> Select All -> Unload…it won’t let you load more samples and says the memory is full…the list clears but the RYTM doesn’t clear the memory. Can anyone confirm?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

Ar MK2 1.50
Try midi out function,swing and trig mute worked with outboard sound module by midi out signals, accent doesn’t work, is this bug?

AR mk2: “kit reload on change” stopped working. Toggling it off/on has no effect.

Playing a live gig tomorrow. This and the pattern bank switch bug will be a big PITA. Note to self: reboot after soundcheck.

Not sure what Elektron quality control was doing but there is a remarkable amount of bugs in this OS release…

Under what circumstances, it works totally fine for me in regular pattern play and chain (using different kits!) pattern mode ? Edits to saved kits are restored as expected

Interesting. I twiddle knobs in one pattern+kit. Go to another pattern+kit. Come back to the first and the kit isn’t reset to saved state, as it used to be in prior OS’s.

I power cycled it and the issue remained. (Though after reboot kits are reset, but that’s a different, expected thing.)

Checked it again to be sure. It really doesn t work here

Well lucky me… it appears to be one track in one kit that doesn t reset correctly. It does update the GUI but not the actual sound parameters.

Track 3 with RS hard engine.

Whatever is happening here is nasty because it’s tricky to pin down

I tried just what you described from a new project and the first pass of the modded kit played back edited, the second kit change on that occasion played through as stored

i.e. the reload feature didn’t operate at the first chance, but did at the second opportunity

This is not right

So I added another reference track (because only T3 !) well I got the issue more problematically with T9 - the GUI parameters were updated but the kit sounds were most certainly not (a maxed out decay on a CH is easy to spot)

I wondered if it related to the Lesser track of a shared voice, but same issue with T10

so despite going through a Chain cycle with kit changes the sound was not being updated but the graphics were - to get the sound right the Reload Kit key combo worked (but the graphics stayed put as they were already right but different to the sound)

So the guys at Elektron need to look into this

Please advise @dtr if you send a Ticket or I will

I can assure you in my testing earlier where I used very obvious parameter changes the Kits were updating properly - but in this new project (perhaps a clue) or simplified/directed test the issue is certainly there

good catch, quite a nasty one if you rely on that feature

Elektronauts hive-mind at work! Good investigative work there.

So it’s some tracks and/or engines not reloading properly, not all.

My project was created pre-OS 1.50.

I had already sent in a ticket with the claim that kit reload isn’t working at all. That needs to be amended with your findings. It looks like I can only add to the ticket once it’s been read and opened by Elektron, which is not the case yet so have to wait for that. If you want to send in your own ticket in the mean time that’s all good with me. Let me know.


Analog rytm MKII and Cubase pro, the AR sends note on every midi track/instrument on cubase pro v 10.0.50 (overbridge disabled - connection MIDI over USB)

I want to send the note/data recorded on trak 1 and 2 on my AR mkII to my Virtual synths on Cubase…it seems that the midi events on track 1 & 2 of my AR are sent in all the channel of cubase, I mean like merged (like the OMNI ON) in one track and send to the daw. Seems is impossible to work in multi …is a omni off/on problem???


SETUP used on AR mkII

quantize live rec OFF
kit reload on chg OFF
auto tra switch OFF

turbo speed OFF
out port func MIDI
thru port func MIDI
input from MIDI+USB
output to MIDI+USB
output ch TRK CH tested also with AUTO CH (same issue)
param output CC
encoder dest INT+EXT
pressure dest INT+EXT
mute dest INT+EXT
receive notes ON
receive cc/nrpn ON

Track 1 and 2 send midi ON

track 1 to 12 -> channel 1 to 12
track fx channel 13
per channel 14
auto channel 15
prog ch in ch 16
prog ch out ch AUTO

Seems like a Cubase problem? In Ableton, I have MIDI Tracks listening on a single channel, and it’s only receiving the MIDI Notes of that respective Track Channel (using Output CH: TRK CH)


I just tried now with Renoise 3.2 and I had a successful setup…strange that I cannot with Cubase 10 pro…

SOLVED, on Cubase the routing is hidden with a button called INPUT TRANSFORMER that allow to split the data by midi channel.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Overbridge 2.0.24 Public Beta

I’m having this problem on my MK I. Though it’s only happened so far in the project for the sound pack Future House with stock kits 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Totally unable to edit the scenes to those specific kits. Likewise when holding down / having selected a scene to edit, no pads flash red, only kit 6 does of those listed (but params still can’t be changed). The only parameters that can be edited in said kits are ones that are already edited by the scene