Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

Wonderful! Although I see the arp does not send MIDI output, which is a bummer. I am sure that they know about this, I hope this will be fixed soon!


Does anybody know how that feature works? Settings and stuff?
I can not find in the Manual. Thanks

Page 44 of the latest manual :slight_smile:

    10.9.6 SEND MIDI
    Will, when checked, send the tracks note on/off (NOTE, LEN) and VELOCITY, sequencer data to the Analog Four MKII’s MIDI OUT for control of external MIDI devices. The MIDI data is sent on the track’s MIDI channel that is set in the CHANNELS menu. For more information, please see “12.5.3 CHANNELS” on page 58.
    • If TRK SEND MIDI is checked, the track sends the sequencer data both externally over MIDI and internally to the tracks sound.
    • Only sequencer data for note on/off (NOT, LEN) and VEL parameters are sent over MIDI.

Holy fuck that is bad design. As if Elektrons needed more complicated shortcuts. The “short” tap needs to be super quick - I cannot seem to be as fast as juniors these days.


Really nice update, but presumably the A4/Rytm could have had these features from day one?


I can’t get chromatic mode to work after update. did I miss a setting somewhere of the tonal keys sending different pitch?

Works for me. Maybe chromatic mode got disabled at some point?

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Great update!
My analog MK 2 duo became the control center of my all devices, hope midi function could be enforceable in the future update parameter lock could be midi CC lock

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Don’t suppose they have added arpeggiator param locks in this release?

Arp parameter locking is not implemented


Has anyone used midi out sequences in multimap mode for AK/A4? I got an AK but haven’t looked at this yet, hoping it should work?

Yep. With midi loopback. New possibilities.
Analog Four/Keys Midi Loopback


Coolio! I was hoping that it will work with basic set-up also, i.e. “init.trig” in the multimap set up page?

I’m not sure what you are ultimately desiring, but if you are asking if you can launch MIDI ‘clips’ direct from the Keys (without hacks) then you can do so whilst in MultiMap Edit - you can trigger patterns from the keys as before but this will now include the MIDI output (if any) assigned to those tracks

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Ta, not exactly sure yet :blush: but it does appear to offer up a mad amount of possibilities, which is nice!

Triggering patterns mapped on the keys assigned to external gear sounds great. But just having the keyboard split between internal tracks / external gear via midi, was my initial query. Maybe assigning a couple of percussive hits for finger drumming also – sweet.

Its mind blowing for me to be honest, my brain just thought this looks like a great solution for playing live. The midi looping concept looks amazebobs – if I ever get my head around it!!

shame - it’s on octatrack - but i think would be better on real analog

It was already possible. If you want to sequence Muti Map with an A4/AK midi track, you need midi loopback.

Okay ta, does this mean I need to connect MIDI in to MIDI out with same cable , then use the USB as an out for sequencing external gear?

Sorry bud, just reading your link/ post now - my questions are answered.

Nice One!

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Yeah, this is pretty lame. Otherwise the update is great. Pattern bpm is a big deal.

You can’t use an external keyboard to audition live a mono synth connected via midi on the other end of device. You can only use internal pads or keyboard or recorded sequence to audition. So no live auditioning with external keyboard with an external voice. Even though with external keyboard you can live audition internal voice associated with midi channel out.

Unless you mirror the channel from keyboard with midi thru box, then switch port/cable to the elektron device once ready to playback sequence.

Hopefully this is changed so devices (Rytm in my case) can be used with external keyboard without having to resort to annoying workarounds.

Pads or one octave keyboard are not too useful for proper melodies.