Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

Yes, I use the fx track which is great because I don’t lose any internal or cv tracks. The A4 feels complete now.


Would it be possible to send midi from an App such as Patterning to create beats (only midi part) and send info to the Rytm (for sounds)?

It Should be possible I do it with ableton

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I know you can somehow export your patterns into Ableton and that’s a great feature.
I would love do the same for the Rytm, I’m considering get one soon, on the other hand i don’t know if it would handle well polyrhythm patterns from Patterning?

The Rytm does its own polyrhythms and nice sequencer tricks
like different track lengths scale speed and conditional trigs…

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Yes. Doable and awesome.

The Rytms sequencer is as capable as Patternings but is irrelevant to whether it can handle it or not as the Rytm is merely responding to Patternings sequencer.

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Do you think I can export Patterning patterns into the Rytm ? like with Ableton

importing midi to the AR is not possible (unfortunately). You can try to live record the pattern. Haven’t tried it yet myself (Yet…might check it tonight)

Slave the AR to Patterning. Begin live record on AR. Hit stop on Patterning. Play the Patterning pattern. The AR still should be in live record and now recording the midi signal. This works with the OT.

Great idea ! I will sure give it a try soon. I guess I will need apply velocity manually and set each pattern length on the Rytm.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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Pattern length, yes. Vel, unsure.

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Is it safe to upgrade from MK1 analogs 1.3? are there known bugs in OS 1.50A? thanx!!

Is it still a known issue with the Analog Four (Mk2 in my case) that reload pattern doesn’t work?

Or doesn’t it work like on the Digitakt, that you can make live performances changes and then instantly undo them with reload pattern function?

I just find it strange, since when I select save pattern I get a confirmation on the screen, but when I select Reload pattern, the menu just dissapears without any confirmation. Nothing happens.

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Thanks Jeronan, I guess I’ll wait upgrading the Mk1s (I’ve been waiting so much for individual track tempo multipliers…). Anyway on A4 Mk2 i’ve upgraded and enjoying the new features :slight_smile:

I don’t use that function much, but A4 is different to digitakt…
it can reload kit, pattern and sound separately…
Digitakt just reloads everything I’m pretty sure

On Digis and Models the kit and pattern are linked. Your pattern is your kit.

On Analogs, your pattern data includes arp settings, sequencer data, notation, p-locks.

Where as all other parameters, sample assignments (Rytm), which 4 sounds have been copied off the +Drive… these are all in the Kit.
Anywhere from 1 to 128 patterns can all be linked to a single kit. Most folks link 4 to 16 patterns to a single kit.

You would want to use “reload Kit” to reload parameter tweaks.

Aka Kit+NO


Ok. So if I understand this correctly. The Reload Ptn function on Digitakt (which you use as recovery after parameter tweaks), the equivalent on Analog Four is Reload Kit?

It is the equivalent to executing both Reload Kit and Reload Pattern commands simultaneously on Analogs

If you only want to reload parameter tweaks, and keep all sequencer data untouched, use Reload Kit.


Thanks. Will try to see that works when I get home.

Hope in the future Elektron will create a more universal workflow among all devices. :confused:
(Had hoped they did that with the Mk2 devices)

Well, the Kit/Part system that existed before Digi devices was difficult for many to comprehend, and created a barrier for many to do work.

I personally love it. I found it more powerful and less cumbersome when you want to use multiple patterns in a tune, while live tweaking lots of parameters.
It’s the reason I do not own a Digitakt or Digitone any longer.

I won’t go too deep into it here. There are many threads about it already.

Suffice it to say, there are good reasons that both schemes exist, and do not expect them to unify because those reasons are good for more people than they are annoying to the few of us that would appreciate a more unified system.

Instead, expect more refining of the two schemes. Like how the model series makes working from one pattern more intuitive and capable, thanks to the knobby interface.
I am excited to see what Elektron produces next with a Kit scheme. But now I am really getting off topic…


Go ahead and update your MK1s.
There is no reload issue.

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