Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

No. Both AF/AK and AR can send MIDI Program Change message when changing patterns.


Wait, have I been a horse’s ass all this time? :joy:


Maybe check that your DN is set up properly in the MIDI Out settings? I don’t really know. Sorry.

It’s set up correctlty. Just checked again and played around, but it’s the same. Thanks anyways.

This news make me so happy. Strange, because i don´t own A4 or rytm :wink: congrats elektron, great move !


Thumbs up Elektron.

What a massive and unexpected update.
My most beloved part is Tempo per pattern. And Randomization kills it all. Really nice.


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now if you could just add sampling to the a4 :wink:


The best news in Elektron history! Now update MD please with some crazy new abilities like A4, I know you can do it! ! I was thinking they ditched the A4mk1! Finally all the good stuff we wanted for ages, ok hope we don’t get other bugs instead. But damn finally I can use A4 as my mothership midi/cv gate seq/controller! So we can do 4 RND arps to external gear whoooooooo 4 different scales and tracklenghts per track?

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Hello ! how long does it take to update?
because it’s already 10min and it has not changed…

think you used midi then it can take mega long time! better do usb and set in A4 setting to usb

i used the usb… :confused:

mac? win? update with C6? It doesn’t work anymore with certain newer osx i’ve seen somewhere

Mac, elektron transfert !

Mac OS Mojave 10.14

it only makes me “OS upgrade receving”

a quarter of the bar since 20min

damn, don’t have mac anymore, think it’s freezed, maybe stop update and redo? Factory reset and update again?

Use C6 or sysex librarian until Catalina suited Transfer is released which should be capable of OS updates, it is destned to replace C6, but not yet for os upgrades on the version you are running

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Hell yeah it works! thank you very much you’re a chef eheh
thx olibol to :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the update.
I have a lot of fun with this one!


Aaarh, now I finally figured out what you meant. I had to go to the ‘SYN1’ page and change ‘CHAN’ to ‘1’ by holding ‘FUNC’ and press encoder ‘A’. Now everything works.
I thought those pages where just for sending cc messages to parametres on the synth. And I thought when you where speaking about holding function down and midi, that you just meant the shortcut for the midi settings.
Sorry about that and again thanks.
And sorry, I know this thread is not about Digitone.