Analog bass synth recomendations anyone?

I just got an analog rytm and i must say i’m super impressed not only by its functionality but it sounds awesome aswell.

So the next bit of gear i want to buy is an analog bass synth. (building from the ground up) I prefer deep ,fat, rubbery and rounded bass sounds as opposed to grittier harsher bass sounds.

My criteria is:
Affordable, (up to and around the 500 AUD mark)
Any recomendations?

i highly recomend the dreadbox Hades. Ticks all the boxes and they are around $275 USD. I should also mention the build quality is outstanding. Metal box, bolted pots. On par or better than elektron build.


cheers ukee i will check it out. :0)

I would also check out:

  • Moog Minitaur
  • Novation Bass-Station II
  • Waldorf Pulse 2

BS2 is great, lovely sound an even keyboard is decent, with aftertouch. Full midi control and patch memory. Build quality is pretty plastic, though. Loved mine, until I got the Dominion 1 - which I came here to suggest, but it’s out of the price criteria…

AR is a pretty good bass synth itself !
Try it !!!


If you like the SH-101 sound, BS2 is a wonderful modern incarnation.
Sequenced by an Elektron over MIDI with some CC# automation, and it really comes to life.

It also does great lead sounds.

Acid 8
Mam mb33
Shruthi ?
Volca bass
System 1
Ju06 boutique
New machines on rytm
At megatron ( might be a bit too gritty)
Nord micro modular , would need compatible editor
Patch blocks plus midi interface
Axoloti box
Old electribe box

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0-Coast makes some crazy bass tones, pretty unique sound overall but it can be complicated at times… only problem is lack of patch memory… if thats not a problem for you, also check out the dreadbox Hades

+1 on bass station 2!

-1 tb3, not worth the $$$$

My fave bass synth ATM is a Shruthi-1 with the 4PM filter. If you can find a Shruthi-1 XT with the 4PM, I’m quite sure it would fit any bass needs wonderfully! (buuut YMMV as always)


Some great suggestions so far, would only add the Vermona Mono Lancet as worth of consideration. Simple and great-sounding. Did someone mention the Erebus too? Another corker.

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+1 for the waldorf pulse 2. I’ve had mine for a few years now and still love it. It has a reputation for sounding harsh, but I coax more smooth sounds out of it than anything else.

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Moog Minitaur definitely. It’s the best monosynth for bass, I think.

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Having had a Dark Energy for about 5 years, I’d say it should definitely be in the running too. Can’t speak for the mark 2, but the mark 1 sounds fat!

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Mother 32 has really been surprising me with the killer bass lines it can achieve. Reviewers have been complaining over the lack of overdrive. However, if you send an amplified ocilator to the external input it can really beef things up!


great suggestions guys thankyou. There are quite a few i have not heard of before and i will check them out.

The moog mother 32 sounds so wicked you gotta get that one.

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Volca FM is also pretty hot if you know what you are doing, or if you can find a bunch of good presets to dump into it… FM synths can be tricky as hell to program - its probably the least intuitive synth method out there, and the volca is more hands on but no less obtuse

cuz FM bass will knock your balls off when you get it right

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