Am I the only one? [Machinedrum love]

so I got rid of my md in a px for some other gear…can’t post here anymore…see you elsewhere, big love :heart_eyes:

what did you get? :face_with_monocle:

juno 106 don’t judge me


too late :grin:




… my first two doodles with the Machinedrum …

All of md’s cymbal and hihat machines (not counting the samples) have what metal/alloy is missing: a crisp and tasty highend like real cymbals and hihats.


:slight_smile: gave these a few rewinds. any heat going on or just pure outputs?

This morning MachineDrum wandering. Wee bit dirty.


thx, pure outputs :okej:
(my heat is just for my digitakt)


So this is quite impressing…

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That’s really impressive, I was sure it was enhanced by the Heat. You’ve really made the MD punch…


Hearing how these cymbals/hi hats sound further emphasizes how sorely the Syntakt is lacking in the metallic percussion department :pensive:


It’s such a deep instrument. Lovely stuff!

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Ran a MD pattern into Ableton Live through some plugins (Soothe2, KClip Zero, Kelvin, Pro-C, Shadow Hills Class A). Have been enjoying creating kits this evening.


You create different kit on ableton from a single pattern ?

Just used Ableton to record and effect. One pattern, muting and un-muting channels, abusing control-all. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks, because I was thinking you were talking about creating ableton “rack drum kits” from recording MD.
Nice sounds any way :slight_smile:

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Ah I see what you mean. :slight_smile: The intention is to build a few kits on the MD, save them as SysEx files and share them with samples of them, so you can kinda take the kits with you wherever you go.

Thank you!

EDIT: Thought I would upload a longer, rough jam of the same kit and pattern. I manage to control-all the volume a couple of times which leads to discomfort, and the audio cuts out a couple of times. :smiley:


Sounds good, pretty impressive. The prob is that MD can do so much from one song so that it become unsamplable to build an ableton kit lol.

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soapbox time:
lot’s of talk about an md reissue recently, can’t think of a worst backwards step idea, that would be met with 50/50 love/hate. but mostly “meh” i expect.

sure, make something exciting and new, with fresh synthesis that embeds and expands upon its legacy and most inspiring features.
the trick will be a sonic palette that appeases the masses and looks forwards whilst allowing some nostalgia. no mean feat.

important to state there’s something about the md’s layout that makes the creative process a flow state unlike any other machine i’ve tried, its features and limitations may inspire directions you wouldn’t have taken otherwise.
so there is a special sauce in its physical size and design i think should be emulated to some degree, fibonacci sequence/critical brain limit of button combos and encoders. (but lose the jog wheel and give it a neuralink interface).

i’ll predictably add that MCL could be a solid and innovative blueprint to expand upon; chromatic mode, poly mode, mute states, live mute recording, whole pattern step shifting, performance scenes, flexible per pattern audio routing, all that good good stuff.
[redacted] took the original design mission and only enhanced it without detracting.

self promo time: