Ableton Live 11

It’s also not resizable (though the other two AUv3s I have that support M1 are).

What I’m really hoping to see add Mac support at some point, though, are the FAC plugins. FAC Drumkit would be amazing to have in Ableton.

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Anyone know if there’s a list of iOS apps that work in ableton 11?


Don’t have a list but Fractal Bits, Sunvox, Moog Model D and Drambo all work for me. And those are really really good plugins.

Oh interesting. I thought it was Live’s fault, maybe it’s worth writing to Beepstreet to include it in some next update.

On the audiobus forum @Mistercharlie started a thread with a list of auv3’s running on mac:


Perhaps an Ableton expert could offer tips-

I’m scratching my head trying to figure out how to visually structure a track in Ableton so I can take a progression or series of notes, and focus on resonating the power of any emotional moments, creating space through removing notes, adding an unexpected flourish/expression or transition.

Closest I can think is that I can split MIDI/audio tracks into those sections based on energy levels, color them based on emotion and intensity (red as “anger”, building up in color intensity from grey to match higher energy, whatever), append names of individual MIDI/audio segments with “50%” “80%”, “15%”, etc.

Anyone figure out a scheme for similar that makes sense to them with Ableton? I’m working on more mindfully viewing arrangements, and while I can hear some elements that can be changed here and there, having the “big picture” in mind when making targeted changes is quite difficult when staring deeply into a piano roll.

sounds like Locators are your best options, you rename them and clicking one will start playing from that point.

you can use a dedicated empty midi track with empty clips that you can rename/recolor and use to quickly lock into certain time frame.

it’s hard to be organized :slight_smile:


Ideas aplenty, forever hunting for ways to organize them to maximum effect!

I did think about the empty MIDI clip as placeholder, would almost prefer some sort of note taking overlay, but it’ll do!

there’s a less obvious method for notes but it’s not as good, basically if you use empty midi clips you can right click on any of them and click the Edit Info Text, this will open the Help window at the left bottom corner and you’ll be able to place notes for that clip, thing is, you’ll need to hover/focus the clip to see the note so it’s not very useful as having a title on the clip itself…


Yes, i’m aware of the underlying notes (and appreciate the info!)

That section can be useful, primarily from capturing equipment and process used for archival purposes / manual recall.

Definitely always seeking tools to let me overlay a visual structure on a timeline.

I have found a utility that lets me overlay segments on an audio track, excellent at letting me muse on and define structure for, on the songs of others (will edit link in later.)

But something that follows any current timeline, scales with BPM, is cut alongside any snipping, expands with inserted silence, a scatterbrain/hyperfocus like me can still dream! :slight_smile:

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well… if you have the willpower, you can draw in your messages as notes :smiley:



Sometimes the most helpful thing is just hoping there’s a better option but having it confirmed that there’s not something obvious I’m missing.

1st attempt at choosing color (for segment) and intensity of color to give a measure of energy on some 0-5 scale that could map easily to any track.

Next time I’lll figure out the energy levels even earlier, if I go faster it’ll help with details like fills and transitions and being able to spend more time trying to say more with less

Tying the flow of time to vision is such a wild thing but whatever helps visualize, perhaps I can similarly call on synthaesia somehow to help me get better at remembering stage choreography :stuck_out_tongue:

Stupid human tricks can be wild, but whatever helps a person tune in to approaching from a new way of observing.


Which utility please?

Looks useful!

someone else already mentioned locators but this max add-on seems like a nifty way of viewing your arrangement structure (no colours though)


How often do they do these sales?

Thanks! Can also see if that gives insights.

That looks pretty decent, the advanced toolbar plugin looks cool af too, I think I’m gonna get the toolbar thing, I hate keyboard shortcuts and the volume thingy without unfolding tracks is a very nice touch, especially for larger sessions…

Care to mention one/some? (Currently on my radar already are MDD Snake, ml-185, and Stepic)

I just upgraded to Suite using the current discount offer. I’m starting to realise I don’t hate Ableton, but just it’s piano roll. I’ve started my hunt for M4L sequencers today :slight_smile:


try here

btw check the packs, there are lots of sequencers available in the packs that are included with the Suite


i’m after a plugin (or existing feature!?) that records audio continually from the audio input on chosen track allowing you to free capture when you start hearing something you like.

writes to a buffer/cache then, on stop, inserts to beginning of rendered file from when you started recording. i’d be happy with a 10 second reserve, but could probably be larger.

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something like this?

you can also use a resample track…