A4 mk2/ hearing lfo modulations even with depth set to 0

thanks for referring to the ak thread.
for me the problem is 100% reproducable and occurs also in fresh projects, so i think there is no need to rebootā€¦
beside that it should be ā€œcleanā€ anyway, no matter if its a new project or a already edited project. in my eyes, (env or lfo) depth is the wrong place to cut corners.

did what I suggest work though - i.e. is there any difference in the display when the exact zero is found - there is on MK1 and if done without Fn it requires a very very delicate touch

is it actually at its nominal 0.0 or does it just look like it is ?

ps iirc the negative symbol is not shown (UI space) so left of 0 is negative

thanks for that @avantronica! no it seems that on the a4 mk2 pressing func + dialling the depth encoder dont set the parameter to true zero.
when i clear the lfo settings than depth shows up a ā€œ(0)ā€. the func + dial enc method only shows 0 and introduces slight modulations.
but as you said, with a lot of ā€œfinetuningā€ i was able to set lfo depth to 0 (without braces ) and find a spot where modulations where no longer noticable. so 0 seems to be bigger range than i thought.

@Elektron is there a shortcut to set depth true 0 on the a4 mk2?


This isnā€™t a recommended way to get official support and in all likelihood this unmonitored ā€˜newsā€™ account may not see the post

Best ask support or MK2 users here - also look at the manual section on encoder acceleration / snapping etc for newer tips

My suspicion always was that this was a 14bit thing - clearly thereā€™s an oversight in these ā€˜snapā€™ values (or itā€™s in the manual by another method - mk2 uses different encoders)

My suggestion is to go extreme left with the encoder pushed and then keep pushing and it may stick to integer values and land on 0

True Zero will definitely be (0) - so you need to finesse your fine tuning - itā€™s delicate work even on MK1 so itā€™s likely to be trickier on MK2

but try full left or right then press to do what happens on MK1 - you skip through bigger steps

only from left or from the right will work due to the distribution of the 14bit depth - not sure which (try left first and see if it snaps to 0

Clearly this will get fixed - itā€™s an essential shortcut

as another workaround you could send An NRPN message (maybe even just a CC) from your DAW (or whatever) to centre it until the firmware is sorted

Iā€™d make an official report, but havenā€™t been able to reproduce, so I donā€™t know what steps I took to trigger this problem in the first place. :frowning:

Update from Elektron support:

Thanks for reporting. This is a known but nasty bug. It has been reported to the developers and will hopefully be fixed with the next update.



Sorry if thereā€™s already a thread about bugs but I canā€™t find one. Got the MK2 a couple of days ago and noticing a few bugs, mainly parameters being affected even when their value is set to zero e.g right now Iā€™m having the issue with the lfo, the amount is set to zero but itā€™s still affecting the sound, Iā€™ve encountered the same thing with effects sends.

Iā€™m sure I seen someone else post about this issue but canā€™t seem to find the post.

Anyone else having such issues?

Wrt the LFO: are you sure itā€™s set to 0, i.e. did you hold Func while turning the knob? Otherwise it might be set to a value less than 1 and greater than 0 which also is displayed as 0.

apparently it doesnā€™t work yet on MK2s

anytime the envelopes or lfoā€™s are set to modulate anything, i still get slight modulation even with it set to zero. iā€™ve noticed there is a range of effect between 0 and 1 on the encoders, most noticable when set to with OSC pitch as a destination. with some extremely delicate fiddling i can occasionally find the true zero setting which is shown as ā€œ(0)ā€. this seems weird and extremely hard to get to with the encoders. is this by design, or a bug? not very intuitive. i spent an hour trying to chase this down thru the many pages of modulation. try it yourself, turn on both osc tuned to same pitch, and put any OSC pitch as a destination on ENV or LFO. turn it up then set it back to zero. then turn the destination knob back to meta:none. you will hear a clear difference. strange that it would be so fiddly.

just use function+encoder to set it back to true zero

amazingly, this doesnā€™t put it to true zero! more like -+0.1, still takes a bunch of knob feathering to get it to true parenthesis zero ā€œ(0)ā€. if they want to keep it this way, they should show decimal points on the display, like with the filter freq. or better, make the fn+ encoder set it to true zero.

hm, never had a problem setting it back to (0)ā€¦
MK1 or MK2?

I had the same with the envelopes (not with LFO though). do a calibration. that fixed it for meā€¦

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and first doublecheck you dont have a perf macro applied

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Exactly this for me too. Frustratingly the parenthesis keep flashing so I know Iā€™ve gone past it, but without decimal display I dont know which direction Iā€™m going and often Iā€™ll end up back at 1 (and I cant easily tell if thats + or - one).

no perf macros, and calibration didnt fix it! iā€™m bummed!

it is a MK2.

Was the machine on for about 2 hours before calibration?
