A4 Feature Requests

He musta known somethin we didn’t

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Mk2, cv and gate in so can be sequenced from external analog sequencer, clock and reset in so it can be clocked by an external sequencer

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Would be good if the keyboard would only play notes of the scale selected like the digitone.
The scale Seems only works with notes entered on the sequencer


Again couldn’t find this anywhere in the manual, but for live jams I really like to use a mode called active step. Simply explained, this is where for example you have a 16 step sequence with a note on each step, and by pressing the trigs for say all but five, spread across the grid the sequence plays them ‘next to each other’ - so you can quickly move from a 7/16 to 5/16 to 9/16 just by clicking note trigs on or off, remember the key is the sequencer skips any muted notes so plays them contiguously - can the A4 do this?

Not that I’m aware of I don’t think that’s possible…
you have trig mutes and track scale and step length though.


I understand the issue, but this would be useful… You could do it where if you’re turning the knob and pressing FUNC it scales the Osc Tuning by note steps similar to NOTE2 in the Arp (-1, -5, -7, etc…).


Function plus moving note length snaps to divisions…
like how Octatrack midi does… Also needed for digitone :cry:

Yeah, am I crazy, this isn’t a feature for the A4 right?

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please add a sequencer SCREEN like the one below


Possibly already been posted but p-lockable arp settings like is possible on the OT.


Would great if it was possible to have the sub oscillators bypass the filters.

High pass on OSC1+2 with the subs bypassing would be fun.


I think i posted this very early or maybe not… import 12bit waveloops or if this is too much, 8bit waveloops in the noise-page


Maybe not “import” exactly, but I wouldn’t mind a Digital Oscillator option in lieu of the Noise feature, similar to the ESQ1 with like a say a dozen or two sampled waveforms (that you could plock through…).

Or even a customizable digital oscillator similar to the LFO designer on the OT.


Please add the possibility to add progressively notes to a chord in midi …
To just trigless a +4 then on an other trig a +7 version who will add them to the first trig…

You can see this on most of the Korg Volcas and SQ1 and quite a few other sequencers - I guess it would be a mode you can put the track sequencers into. Would definitely mean the A4 and Digitakt I have are much more useful for live work … PLEASE ELEKTRON next update :slight_smile:

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Here’s my one feature request: Quick assign LFO or envelop

go to the parameter page and find the parameter you want to control with a mod source. Press and hold the associated parameter knob and press the LFO/Envelope key (once or twice to select which one) to assign.


Support for sustain pedal like on the Digitone (e.g. automatically convert CC 64 messages in corresponding note length actions on the sequencer)!

probably not possible fwiw … iirc CC64 is assigned internally to a parameter already

out of interest, is the sustain pedal acting like you describe -so the outcome on the sequencer is identical if you hold keys for X seconds or tap/release keys whilst holding the sustain pedal/button for X seconds

perhaps this (or similar) could be implemented via Control In on the Mk2

4 inputs


we all love 8 voice analog poly synth,and why not buy two af(or ak)and play them together,8 track totally work fine ,but play 8 voice like single synth need some os refinement,maybe next update,amazing elektron team could think about it,please!