I expect NI Maschine Mk3 in October

I expect a maschine mk3 in oktober :wink:

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Why is that? :slight_smile:

Because no one buys mk2 anymore, the screen is outdated and the push mk2 masters the maschine mk2 completely.
It is time for for colorscreen mk3 with full hardware integration of traktor pro 3.
I will not buy since i dont like computers to make music with

Also Ni brings new hardware in oktober every year.

Still positive about maschine, it helped me to find elektron
I Used to have mk1, mk2, komplete 6,7,8,9
I am happy i Used it, i am happy i sold it


Was a clever move by NI to make the Maschine Mk2 integrate more with Reaktor Blocks

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maschine still got better pads for fingerdrumming compared to push 2, and you get komplete essentials with maschine, so id still prefer a maschine over push 2. and maschine studio makes far better use of its displays.

the problem with push is that it works nice with lives internal instruments and effects, but it doesnt when u use external plugins.

but soundwise i prefer analog hardware, it has more punch and dirt, though its not as flexible.

it’s funny, because I feel exactly the opposite of you. haha. maschine is cool, but… the opposite of everything you said. haha finger drumming on the push 2 is unstoppable!

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That is so true. I started with Maschine mk2 and went to Live and Rytm from there. Now having a monster drumrack setup in Live, where I can sequence Rytm, Machinedrum, Maschine and some other HW synths & samplers from one track. Loving it, but it doesn’t quite beat using just Elektron hardware plocking, but can get you quite far.

Appreciating Maschine as it started all for me and making it clear that workflow and great sw/hw integration is key (for me at least) to make everything work painlessly. Maschine pads still better than Push 2 and those horrible stiff Rytm pads.

I like rytms pads (i know people dont like them)
For me the benefit of maschine over push is the speed.
Push slows me down
To select and fx i.e. Takes to long and i have to spend time search
It stops my workflow
I think maschine only needs a good session view to start competing push and akai
If they creatie one, i might buy it again. Never really like using Octatrack or ableton
Never found a sampler i like more than maschine

My primary reason for giving Maschine a try is that it seems like it might offer me a good workflow to get from a few nice grooves to a finished track.

I love the step sequencer on the Analog boxes, but I do like to be able to add some samples, additional percussion, and polyphonic strings, keys, or pads.

Somehow, Ableton Live never worked well for me. I like Bitwig a lot better, but controller integration is still pretty poor (I have a Launchpad Pro which is really nice, but the Bitwig third-party controller scripts for it are still a bit laggy and buggy compared to the level of integration and reliability I assume Push provides).

Maschine’s “not-really-a-DAW” approach to pattern-based sequencing seems well-suited to the way I approach tracks. Getting good sampling as well as what appears to be a rather good integrated drum synth is a nice bonus as well.

On top of that, the Mikro is rather inexpensive while still offering all the features.

Love Ableton but …

Maschine + Overbridge VST with drag and drop midi/resampling would be crazy!

Preditor is good for this, and it’s improving all the time - now does multimaps for plugs like Kontakt, Reaktor, Bazille etc. http://isotonikstudios.com/sigabort/isotonik-preditor/

For me, Push/Live >>>>>>> Maschine - granted, I only have a Mikro, but never really enjoyed the workflow - feels to me less intuitive than my MPC1k and kinda crippled feature wise by comparison to Live.

I also quite like the Rytm’s pads.

My 2¢

well the micro is indeed tiny, but the maschine studio is a really cool deck, especially when you have komplete, which is a steal for the price …

isotonic might be a solution, but im tired of midimapping. NI does this job for me with komplete control and others join in via nks. it doesnt work with everything, but when it works its really intuitive and a time saver

Great prediction :wink:


Just one year to late :smiling_imp:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Maschine MK3 and Kontrol Mk2

Wouwzer you got it…but a year too early. Man this thing is pretty. I love my Maschine studio though.