YouTube preview thumbnails


Youtube and video preview on Elektronauts

I still see a lot of Youtube videos here without preview.
I put here the functional approach already shared with some in MP because a lot of you do not get the preview under your videos

You get more or less this if you copy the address of the video straight from your browser’s address bar of the Youtube page of the video you want to share 
 It’s sad and dreary.

If you use the share button (1) under the video on the right, Youtube generates a share link.
You can even choose a precise starting timing in the video by checking (2), you just have to choose the precise moment, “share” and tick.

you get a fantastic video with a glorious functional preview on your favorite site

Thank you to those, I forgot who, who put their finger on this detail that changes everything.

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it doesn’t work if the link is too close to the text. If you place the link at the bottom of the text, it will work.

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