Your setups [ 10k Archive]

My basic setup:

Apple Logic Pro X
SSL Duende Native
Lexicon PCM Native
Apogee Symphony I/O 8x8
Apogee Mic
Euphonix Artist Control
Kyma System
Elektron Octatrack
Elektron Analog Four


@nedavine Might have convinced me to start looking for one a bit more seriously.

@noiselab that’s a beautiful setup my man. Looks very ergonomic

Info on that stand you’re using with the A4/OT?

This is the digital non Elektron side of my set up…

aha! you have the yamaha sampler with the awesome filters, well played.

NoiseLab that is one seriously sweet speaker system, might i enquire the model?

In our liveact setup we use the stuff on the picture:

In my studio i use beside the Analog four, the Octatrack, the SL1, the Xoxbox the following gear:

Roland JD800
Roland D50
Waldorf Microwave II xtk
Novation Bassstation mkI
Alesis Micron
Nordlead 2 Rack
Yamaha AN1x
Korg MicroX

Alesis 3630
Alesis Quadraverb & Quadraverb GT
Vermona Action Filter
Ibanez DM1000
TC Helicon Voicelive Rack

Ableton Live
NI Komplete
UAD Duo Pci, UAD Quad Satellite

Dynaudio BM5mkII
Neusonik Neo3
JBL Control One
TC Electronic BMC-2 (2x)
Beyerdynamic DT900
RME Fireface800
APC40, APC20

Guitars & Co:
more Guitars than useful
Kemper Profiling Amp
many fx boxes…set up as an FX loop for Ableton


^That live setup is sequencing heaven! :slight_smile:

at home:

[li]focusrite 214[/li]
[li]yamaha speakers[/li]
[li]logicX (though i never record stuff)[/li]
[li]behringer 16channel linemixer (rx1602)[/li]
[li]neutrik 24channel patchbay[/li]
[li]akai mpd24[/li]
[li]trace elliot v-type all-valve bass-preamp for kicks[/li]
[li]dbx 266 as ducking compressor[/li]

[li]iPad mini with nearly all available synth apps :)[/li]
[li]maudio mobilepre usb-soundcard [/li]
[li]beyerdynamics DT770 and 990[/li]
[li]AKG 240 and 271[/li]
[li]sennheiser HD25[/li]
(my gf is audiotechnician so we own a lot of HP hehe)

at work:

[li]machinedrum from home[/li]
[li]analogdrum from home[/li]

[li]24channel SSL duality SE[/li]
[li]PMC Speakers[/li]

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Darktime user here as well… Do you run your Darktime in 2x8 mode or 1x16? I use mine in 2x8 with top row set for pitch and 2nd row set for gate length to two DE’s…

Ugh tis forum…

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Nice setup! I’m curious, how is the MFB-502? I’ve been eyeing that piece for a while. Lol

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i normally use it in 1x16 mode, cause the sl-1 is just monophonic, and i don’t use the gate/velocity for it…so basically i just trigger some wierd sequences and filter out what i don’t need…

It’s all right for the price, I chose it instead of an Volca because it has more knobs. Some sounds are a bit loci (hats, claps and cymbals), but still useful if you use them as what they are :slight_smile: I just needed a simple drum machine, because I don’t want it to take too much of my attention, and this on is perfect for that

things are magically colour coordinated :smiley:

Left Side

Right Side

This was pre NYE party live set at my place:)








Finally got around to repurpose some old furniture to setup everything properly.

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I’ve just packed away everything except my 2 OT’s & a TT303. There are too many distractions stoping me from really getting to grips with the OTs & simply ignoring the kit doesn’t work. I’m a bit all or nothing, so i had to pack it away. Also, using the OTs in my living room made me realise i how much i hate my small studio space & the desk/rack set up. It might sound odd but in the past i’ve set up my kit in 4 sections around our circular dining table, Section 1 - OT’s, Section 2 - Blofeld Keyboard, Section 3 - Pedals/FX, Section 4 - Mixer. I would move around the table depending on what i wanted to do & it helped me to focus & get specific tasks done.


My current setup, 100% legit no bullshit.


Nice one.

Haha, no signs of photoshop in that pic! Must be legit.