Your setups [ 10k Archive]

No. But since I use CCs since the 90’s, I already know Cutoff is CC74 by convention :slight_smile:


Looks like only the Cirklon will do that :neutral_face:

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Not important for me but if it is for you, yes you should get a cirklon. If you can find one that is ^^

Hi i think the Bitstream 3x from wave idea can do this.

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It can does this :smiley: (the bitstream that is)


wow. that looks like an amazing controller at a great price… no wonder it’s out of stock!!

Thanks, will keep an eye on that!

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You need to ebay that shit - they’re old and out of production. Also, trust me on this, even if you hate using he computer, USE THE APP. The magic is in the app. Chaining the controls to make “scenes” is stupid easy to use in the app. I am in the middle of setting up my 3x to use with my a4mk2/rytmmk2/md & everything else. Really powerful and easy to use if you use te app. I got mine from a dude on muffs who couldnt be bothered to use the app and let it go b/c he wasn’t all tat impressed. It is worth the 2-300 dollars you spend. THere’s a dude here on elektronauts who was super helpful when i first got mine answering my really stupid newb questions too - search up on the forum youll find the guy.


this is an Autechre setup with MNM, MD with custom blue big data knob and bitstream 3x at the right of the mixer


I am preparing for the 2/24 gig.


It’s a real shame they discontinued it. I wonder why, there is nothing like it in the market.

That is a neat setup


That Erica Nava looks real good and probably sounds stellar as well. Did you build it yourself ?

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Still have the Octatrack, it’s packed away for a bit, until I get more room for it, or I sell it.
I like making music on the Octatrack but I hate tracking it into my daw, very awkward to do imo.
The heat on the other hand is killer.
Also have a Gibson sg and modified les Paul with emg pickups.
And it’s an egnater rebel 30 in the bottom right.
I really need a better desk tho!


The desk is my wife’s old rickety pos college desk that I just want to throw away, the racks are modified ikea rast (?) bolted onto the desk.

Thank you!
This NAVA is not what I built. It is by hand of a builder named Pharmasonic.
I obtained it at auction site in Japan.

“custom blue big data knob” ?

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is the blue data encoder on the Autechre´s MD its on the border of the picture if you don’t see it place the cursor outside the image. :slight_smile:

yeah i see it but it just looks like a lid to a water bottle or something… did they stick that big knob over one of the little knobs so they could get good torque on it for ultra fast parameter changes? :wink:

the big data knob on the MD is on the left of the machine.


yeah you’re right

What is the Nord box with the big twiddlers ?