Your Digitakt-only "Productions" - do you have some?! ;-)

Thanks. When you loop something like that you just have to make sure that the project BPM is the same as the thing you resampled right? To make sure its ongoing.

This is very helpful I am still waiting on my rk002

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Just made something with Digitakt only…

jedilicious · Two chickens

Live first pass/take of DT with a td-3 coming into an input, does that count? 9 minute house track.

Dropbox link

I took a Digi break for a few weeks after finishing up an album. This is the first thing I’ve made on the Digitakt in awhile.

It’s really metallic, sluggish, and full of good static.

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A bit of deep techno mixed in with some shameless self promotion


I mean, end of the day, it’s all self promotion though, right?


@Doug The reverb on this sits super nicely. Is it post comp?

Yeah, post comp, high pass and decay turned up a bit.

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I almost always run it in pre, but I like how organic the space feels. I’m going to have to play with that more. Well done :metal:t4:

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Thanks, man

Here’s one that I made in January for Jamuary. The drop is at 1:00 if you’re impatient, but it’s a little wild so I tried to earn it first lol.


Hey folks! Here’s some Jungle / Breakbeat done directly on the Digitakt…please enjoy responsibly :headphones::control_knobs:


I like that a lot. It does remind me that as much as I’ve been enjoying programming my tracks all the way out, performing them is something I also enjoy and should do more. It’s very good.

I did this one for that Smack Pack battle that Ski Beatz does. So all the sounds including the vocal are from that sample pack. The whole thing was done on the Digitakt, recorded directly to the computer.

One thing I realized when I was working on this is that the Transfer makes things a lot more flexible. Projects and their samples don’t need to live on the plus drive anymore. So I think I’m going to do a remix album. It’s going to be rad.

I did this one for that same battle but it has no accompanying Digitakt related realization.


digi digi digi

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Most of these sound really good. Best examples in site.

Hello folks.

Here’s some sort of breakbeat industrial… maybe? Digitakt only - a bit of compression and eq on the final mix.


crunchy’jam wth Analog heat on clean boost feature bypass filter
careful with speakers !

I’m working on a digitakt only production right now.
At the time of this writing it’s made up from 7 patterns.
I hope to wrap this up and share soon, and before it gets much longer.

Looking for any workflow suggestions improve this scenario:

For a certain track in a project, is there a way to change a page for all patterns at once?
For Example:
Right now, if I adjust the filter [or the amp, or the delay…] on track X in pattern 1, and I want that setting on track X in all 7 patterns, I need to copy that page from pattern 1 and then paste it to track X in all the other patterns.

As the cool kids say: what’s the “pro strat” for this kind of thing?

The upside is I’m getting very fast with this operation, (and others), but it’s a little tedious.

If you go into settings you can do some of what you’re asking. You can choose to set things like reverb and delay to be global settings that effect your whole project. Things that are per track though like the filter pages, I think you’ve just got to copy and paste those


Wow. This will definitely save time!
I reviewed this docs page now.
Thanks for the heads up!

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