My experience: The Bluetooth connection basically works, but has to be reconnected from time to time. Same applies to WIFI. The connection via USB-C between Seqtrak and iPad or Mac is stable. I have not experienced any problems.

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In my limited experience: connecting on restart of the app was needed (probably since it kinda circumvented the standard Bluetooth pairing), except sometime slight lag it was mostly fine whet it was connected.

The lag could be part of my phone’s problem, it’s having general usb/Bluetooth/Audi pickups with gear it seems.

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Stable over usb for me. And had to use WiFi-trick above for bt.

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Yeah, the individually switchable patterns where great.

To bad I wanted a portable more organic song machine instead, that more synthetic electronic sound I already habe with my model cycles.

But when I find one for cheap it’s mine, simply for a collection of all the Yamaha sounds.

I finally managed to switch the Seqtrak presets from the DT:

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I bought a SeqTrak and the Novation MK3 37 key works fine - and the play button does play the patterns but the record does not record anything.

I bought the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3 because the 37 key is so darn huge and I cannot really take it with me comfortably. However, the PLAY button does NOT work nor does the RECORD button. How do I get the PLAY button, at least, to work. The RECORD button? The software for Novation only allows for pads and knobs to be assigned. Not the buttons.

Thank you.


Hello Mike, welcome!

I just tried it with the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3 (LKM) and it doesn’t work for me either. I also checked the clock settings on both devices. I usually only use the LKM Play and Record buttons when using DAWs. Sending clock from the LKM is a nice option, however, it’s not precise.

I understand why you would want to use it in this way and you totally can use the LKM clock as the clock source but you will have to play the patterns from the Seqtrak (seemingly :thinking:).

There’s a Launchpad Mini template for Seqtrak floating around out there, I believe. Look up Seqtrak Tietro on youtube and it should be linked in the info of his most recent Seqtrak video.


I have the LKM mk3 as well. The play button works for me, but not the record button. Something I noticed which is a strange bug, but sometimes when I use the play button on the Seqtrak while the the LKM is plugged in, it’ll lag for a beat before finally playing the pattern. But that’s only when I press it on the Seqtrak. The play button on the LKM has no lag.
I haven’t determined all of the cases of which this happens, but I’ll let ya know.
Side note - make sure your LKM and Seqtrak have current updates.

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Welcome to the community!

I updated my LKM and it still won’t play the Seqtrak. However, all other MIDI functions work normally.

How is your LKM connected? USB or DIN?

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Hello Elektronauts,

Any idea how to move one sample from a project to ‘another’ one ? It seems the app doesnt allow you to access the whole pool of sounds but just the one of the active project…

Thx, matt

If a sound is loaded into a project, the sounds should already be loaded on the machine and you should be able to access them from the various categories from the sound menu and access the sound in different projects.

You will need to edit the sound in the new project.

Thank you, I will insist then as first attemps trhough the app weren’t successfull… it seemed weirdd though

Thx agzin

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My second replacement unit has arrived and I’ve got program changes from DT basically working, so I’m back to the party.

Unfortunately, this replacement device also had a quirk: one of the “keyboard” buttons responded significantly worse than the other buttons. So I removed the key cap and blew compressed air into it. That worked great. Now I have a perfect Seqtrak. If you can call the Seqtrak perfect at all :wink:


I’m using USB. I’m also using the “Custom” option to upload my midi pads and pots to the LKM from the Novation Components web app. So when I connect the LKM to the Seqtrak, I have to press “Shift” + “Custom pad” to access all my midi functions. I don’t know if that helps or not?

Maybe also check the midi settings page on the Seqtrak app to make sure midi clock is working. Other than that, I don’t know?

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So how is your seqtraking lately?
I’m still enjoying the device, mainly in 30 min armchair sessions without the app.
A bit disappointed in the lack of updates though. Beyond bug fixes there’s so much potential in the app.
If you follow Kawatin he’s working on quite elaborate TouchOsc templates, some of which could be adapted into the app. Thinking of a performance screen with easy muting and a set of additional control strips assignable to favourite fx etc.



After several weeks of use, I look at the Seqtrak from a different perspective. For me, it is no longer a piece of gear, but a toy (in a positive sense) that is pleasantly spontaneous to use. A kind of Gameboy that you grab when you have the time and mood.

I’m not expecting any major updates soon. Of course my wish list is long, but I have to admit that the Seqtrak already has everything you need to make music with it. There’s still a lot to discover and resampling is already a blessing for capturing exciting moments (and for freeing up synth tracks).


I’m still enjoying it. I like combining it with other devices after I sketch something on it. I’ve been doing a lot more songs where I add samples through the app.

I still consider it money well spent and it has already paid for itself many times over. I also just ordered a Decksaver for it so it’s definitely something I’ll grab and take to sessions. I’ve already been traveling with it but it’s been a pain :rofl:

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I sold mine last weekend. Before the price drops. Sound is really good but the plastics, buttons, overall feel is just awful. Why oh why Elektron do you build so satisfyingly good high quality boxes…

I am now waiting for Superbooth.

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