Yamaha Reface CS thread

I’d love to see a sampler workstation in the Reface format. Though not necessarily from Yamaha.

@KF6GPE that’s something to talk with Aaron about over your next coffee or however you take breaks at 1010 :slight_smile:


I have the Reface CS and I just love that little synth. I picked it up a couple years ago on “demo” clearance from Sweewater for $269 when they were still $299 brand new. I hate that I didn’t pick up a Reface DX before they shot up $150…

:slight_smile: Excellent idea. Happy to bring it (and other ideas) back to everyone.

Coincidentally, we finished a great company meeting this week. Lots of good brainstorming for next products. Can’t say anything, of course, but good stuff. We’ll be busy!

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I sold mine a few years ago and got one again recently. It’s really easy and fun to use and a lot of different sounds can be created. Of course it’s simple and limited but that’s also a plus sometimes. I love the feel of the faders even though they’re quite small.

I’ve had my Reface CS boxed up for the past few years. I have other gear that has more sound sculpting ability, but it still comes out occasionally because it sounds so good! I’m keeping it as a learning tool for subtractive synthesis for when my daughters are a bit older. My wife also says it looks really cool and she’s not in the slightest interested in any of my gear. (So that’s saying something)

I really wish at some point Yamaha would release a modern version of the RM1X or RS7000. The awesome sequencer with all it’s midi capabilities, sampling options, some solid onboard fx, nice led screen, and lastly; pack the Reface CS and Reface DX engines inside it. Charge $800 for it and call it a day! Yamaha needs to release a dope grooveboxes already!


I remember when the refaces were released how much flack they got. It felt unfair at the time, I always thought they were so cool! Glad to see they’ve aged well and are considered solid instruments by most people.

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Maybe it was already shown in this thread, but I think it‘s so nice, that you can watch / listen to it once a week or so…

By DouglasHurdGymnast

„I - Crabs

II - Waltz

III - No light

Yamaha Reface CS
Korg SQD-1 sequencer
Tascam DP-008EX“


I really like my Reface cs but I really wish it had a sequencer rather than that looper. Are there any other synths with format, sound and knob per function of the reface cs but with a sequencer?


I do agree.

The Modal Cobalt mini springs to mind.

one of these bad boys finally popped up used locally, followed my impulse and im picking it up later today. perfect timing too, i was starting to justify a vongon replay in my head


good lord the speakers on this thing knock