Will there be a new M:C update?

  1. A company with an official email for feature requests (and threads on its official forum) is inviting requests for features
  2. They are requests, not demands
  3. It is foolish to buy any gear on the expectation that new features will be added, doubly so if the maker has never promised those features
  4. I mean, I wouldn’t say no to new features…

Yeah, if you want something make sure you’ve emailed the request to the appropriate (only) vector by which they’ll prioritize something that’s not already on the timeline.


Also, it is highly unlikely that anyone involved in updating the M:C will ever read this.


There is one of these threads about every couple of weeks. They should have a clock radio playing “I Got You Babe”.



I would have bought my M:C just for the Tone, the Chord and the sequencer alone.

Also because I paid less than USD 200 for it anyway.

So yeah, anything else that might (not) come in the future is well received.

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But… Outside Elektron laboratories…

Like a hack the M:C Go fund me… Well, why not?

Oh, lawyers, intellectual property…

I let myself out…

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That’s definitely a problem with chip platforms, even companies which are more FOSS-oriented may be required to keep DSP or similar code closed-source and thus reverse engineering can be needed.

I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but there’s a lot of hurdles to endorsing people going to work on EOL products and releasing the entire codebase.

I think it would make total sense, I think raw sounds really work on M:C

Not for the Models (which are the products we are talking about in this thread).

Exactly the point.

Can you imagine if the models went all this time without an update and then suddenly Elektron wanted to charge for new machines on them?

Fuck me the complaining would be through the roof (and probably justified too).


To be honest I think m:c owners would probably love the option to pay for an update rather than having no update at all…

You don’t remember the fuss back when they tried to charge for overbridge, then?

Mate, it’d go down like a lead balloon full of donkey shit.


More features do not make a device better, IMO. Often times, they actually make things worse. I am all for gear that is streamlined, easy to use and gets a certain job done. There have been several times in the past where a piece of gear got new features in a firmware update and it killed the magic for me. Shift button press combinations are the worst.

Enjoy the M:C for what they are, folks.




You know you don’t have to use added features if you don’t want to, right?

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Just sharing my opinion @Imposter. There is something to be said for having less mental clutter when using a piece of gear. More features doesn’t equal better.


Elektron does a great job of not releasing firmware updates that make stuff worse. Which… might explain why there haven’t been any for the M:C :thinking:

How would adding more machines change any of the workflow?

Does having more drums options in a drum kit make it less streamlined?

I mean… You are free to just use kick and hat if you want to but some of us love claps and Toms and cowbells…

There is too much machines on M:C, I really hope Elektron will fix it in a future update by removing 3 or 4 machines.


Yeah reading some people in this thread feels like elektron would be better just leaving kick and tone machine into the m:c and removing the lfo because it’s already too complicated and too many button combos (no).