Why is the Digitone clicking?

Sorry, but with my synth plugins only attack can give click.
I saw another guy with same problem, but no issue…

I tried every parameters, it’s still clicking when you hit the same note quickly especially bas and pads.

If I miss something, can someone help me please?

Is your resonance high?

Your release is likely too long, if youre retriggering the same note it’ll start from a different phase then the currently playing note, essentially snapping back to 0 which makes the pop. Shorten the release to avoid overlapping notes and and use trig length to get the correct duration.


THERE’s yer problem., :+1:

I’m assuming the oscs get restarted at key-on so you will get a click.
You won’t be able to cover up the click with the attack if the release keeps the amp open.

This how things work for almost all digital synths.

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Any synth can give clicks if you set attack, decay or release too short.
It’s not only attack…

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With only one voice, no filter, enveloppe reset on & off… still clicking…

With release = 0, sustain different from 0, you can have clicks. It is the case with Blofeld init patch. Did you try Release settings different from INF, low values ?
I hope you’ll find out, I don’t have DN, so I can’t try. :slight_smile:

once again - try shorter note length.

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And what happen when you build 808? You just can’t with this… When I write midi on Ableton it’s clicking as soon as the note go long…

What I can say after some heavy use is that DN clicking can come from a lot of things (settings lfo, amp, env, 2nd page, filter, voice settings, overlapping notes, soundlocks overlapping,…) It sucks to always search were the click comes from and that’s what I so much hate with this synth. You can have a very nice pattern 4 track but when muting suddenly a track clicks! I think it would be better if the init patch had certain settings in the off position instead of on! I never recorded yet but think this click would be a nasty spike in your wav I guess. I also have seen lots of youtube were this click appears!

I did change the way I use the synth by setting different parameters off to start with!
Even some presets comes with clicks!!!

Can you help me which parameter and were I can find them to fix my problem?

I would start with setting off: Filt trig, Lfo trig, phase reset, amp env reset, a trig, b trig,a env reset, b env reset and start from that but that’s my way now to begin blank, could be tottaly different for other people

Still clicking in my bassline. DN sounds very very nice but I can’t work with clicks :’(

Oh and don’t set your adsr under a setting of 5!

When retriggering the same note clicking is unavoidable I hope they can change that.

I dont understand the need of such a fast envelope when it clicks like that either, its not very musical but maybe it has its usage. I think decay shape is more important. This is a nice envelope imo

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overdrive can also click if you put it on/off, I might be wrong but don’t think MD behaves like that

I’m very surprised about that, because it disturbs nobody lol “it’s clicking but it’s ok, sounds good”
On every test, no one is talking about that…

If I knew, I will not buy DN at all.

I don’t know if this is obvious, but you are running the latest firmware, right?

Surprising indeed. I’m interested in DN, but it seems I’ll need to try it before.
I hope there are workarounds / appropriate settings to avoid any click.