Why am I so mindful of performing live when I haven't done a gig in years!?

Yeah, no. Too timid for that right now. I posted bits to “Current Sounds”. I was actually thinking of a way to impose on a forumite or two to give me an opinion in private at some point, but it is probably overthinking. I mean. It’s a 15 minute slot at an EMOM, everyone there is also playing. It will be supportive. So what if I’m terrible, we all have to start somewhere :smiley:


As the OP, and the one who is mindful of performing, do you have any plans to do so? Anything you want to do?

If it helps at all, Wharf Chambers is a tiny venue (not sure whether you’ve ever been), very DIY and friendly attitude, so I can almost guarantee there will be no adverse ‘xfactor’ reactions.
Plus the fact that you’re simply turning up and doing any kind of electronic music live will mean it’s automatically good at the very least.

One bit of non-musical advice: make sure your setup works beforehand. Practice ripping it apart and setting it back up, and make sure you have absolutely everything you need with you (including spares if possible).


You’re right! For me playing live is much more of a trial by fire than posting some half-finished tracks on a forum. Like I said earlier in this thread, I have a lot of respect for anyone who does that!

I do remember posting my very first OT jams (full disclosure: they were shit) here and the silence was deafening. I kinda knew I still had some work to do. :rofl: (Not a lot has changed in that regard, ha!)

But asking for opinions in private from someone whose music you feel yours might have a kinship with is the way to go if you really want feedback. While a couple of likes and a comment saying ”cool track” does feel nice, it’s not really something you could build on with future tracks.


Since the thread started I’ve been zoning in more on my set up, with a mind to be able to play live.
I’ve been adding in more gear, which means getting familiar with it, etc, that’s then causing my own distractions… the usual trade-off/dilemma. :upside_down_face:

I have two project plans I’d like to get moving with now, that would involve playing live.
One is a collaboration with a vocalist (I still really like the idea of working with other people). That’s a dark/broody minimalist vibe, where I’ll handle seqs, synths and baritone/bass vi guitars. I’d see playing this at regular gig/live music venues.

The other is more of an installation/sit in the corner somewhere, and play improvised soundscape/ambient music… so I’ve got an eye out for an event or a venue where I could do this.

Similar to what you’re doing, I’m a believer in saying ‘yes’ to something and then figuring it out. Now we’re opening up a bit more post-lockdown, I’m going to look to give myself that challenge soon I think.

Also, if you want some feedback on your tracks, I’d be happy to check them out. :+1:


Will do, thanks! Have done once, (for the gala 3 amigo performance) but I’ll make sure to get slick at it.

I do this, and the funny thing is I always conjure up a particular location according to where I’m living when I imagine finally gracing the platform :slightly_smiling_face: I figure it’s a residue from that which drove me to actually play live over a decade ago; more youthful energy and the desire to get amongst it.

The last two times I have played “live” have been in school (I’m an educator) when I gave a short presentation to the kids about my machines and then did a spot of improvising.

All my previous gigging experience was through friends and contacts in Leeds. Opportunities in China never materialised (although I tried) and I’ve been in Warsaw for a year and still not put the social feelers out (though it has been an odd year). Hoping to strike out to attend some gigs and see what’s what before too long though.

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Yeah, me too! Maybe this EMOM will be chance to find someoe local for that.


What you have planned sounds great. Look forwarding to hearing more as you move forard with plans.

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I was gonna go to that Leeds EMOM but I was under the impression it was turn up on the night, not booked slots.


Guess the people of Leeds are safe for now…

Best of luck, might turn up anyway just to act like a knob and make everyone feel really uncomfortable.


Years ago a coworker lent me a copy of a book on minimalism called The Joy of Less. One of the most interesting ideas mentioned in the book for me was “learning to distinguish between your fantasy self and your real self.”

It gave examples like someone that buys a closet full of suits because they envision themselves as some dapper socialite, but in reality they don’t wear suits to work and almost never dress up, so the suits go unworn and eventually fall out of style, so end up just being a waste of money and causing stress rather than pleasure.

I realized that that totally applies to me as well with gear. There are so many times where I have thought of loads of scenarios and bought stuff to have “just in case I need or want to do X”. Total waste.

I’ve never been able to quite solve the problem, but some of the ideas do steer me more in the direction I should be going.

Lots of other good ideas in the book as well.


Yeah, it was by luck I realised it was book a slot. I was just going to turn up. Modern world, internet, facebook etc.

Yeah, that’ll teach me to not be a social media person.

Right, fuck it. I just agreed to play my first live electronic set in Oct/Nov. It’s a private event and the audience will mostly be friends but that’s probably a good place to start. Pretty sure it’s gonna be a Machinedrum-only set.

Last time I played live was an acoustic set in summer 2012 so it’s been a while. :slightly_smiling_face:

Excited to have something to look forward to now that the days are getting shorter and colder here in the north.


Outstanding! From what I’ve heard be you, you have nothing to fear, and the audience will be in for a treat.

Interested to hear more as you progress in your preparations.

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Food for thought here, thanks.
I’m in a phase of scaling down, accepting it’s a hobby, my few releases reach very few ears, so I should aim for a very small functional setup.

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There’s a bit of an update to this thread here;

I’ve agreed to take on a DJ gig as a first step towards playing live again…


I thought I’d revive this thread with an update for anyone interested… as I said in my previous post, the DJ gigs made me make the move towards playing live.

So, I played a gig on Tuesday night, first gig in a long time for me, and the first gig for the project I’ve been working on since April this year.

Having the deadline to be ready with a 30 minute set in a relatively short period of time (as it’s song-based, songs and lyrics needed writing, etc) felt really fkn stressful in the week or two running up to the gig, but I’m pleased it’s forced me to be productive after the event… and the gig was a buzz… so much so, I’m/we’re going to do another one on Aug 19th, and maybe more after that.

Without getting too cosmic… it’s easy to forget that music is about emotion and feeling… and I realised I’ve really missed making music and sharing/giving the emotion and feeling to a group of people.

I’m sure you’ll all work out which one is me. :v:


Nice one. Congrats on getting shit done :slight_smile:

You’re the guy on left of the pic, right?


Just reading This post and I do the exact thing you used To do @CCMP

How Will i do This live had basically been my mantra for Well over 5 years with not a single gig in sight :laughing:.

To be fair i actually opted out of a gig this summer. A good friend has been doing the booking of a local market/festival each year, which has alot of live acts (mainly consisting of “rolling on the river” cover bands) and I was asked if I wanted to perform but I quickly realized that I would probably be ostracized from my little town with my weird music :laughing:.

Congrats on the gig btw… playing live and with others is really the essence of music imo.


Yeah, with the gear…