Who's in love with constantly re-shuffling their studio?

Yeah open_mike but its only a micer innit :wink:

Now it’s more jealous with you saying that. :wink:
Bye the way, I don’t know if your left or right handed but I’m right and I find it nice to have my OT just to the left of my keyboard so I can play some simple bass or melody while having my left hand available to control some simple OT functions like pickup control or scene mixing…
Looks like a rockin good rig though!

Im right handed and thats a great tip ill have to rearrange again haha!! Mixers are utilitarian devices that arent as glamourous as sequenced flashing lights and purdy black boxes!! I love it though ( dont tell it otherwise it will feel the abandonment even more!! )

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This one is slightly big for it but not bad, if you search around for similar you might find one that fits snug…

Cool cheers. Might even move the mixer uo to the sideboard now cos youve given me mixer guilt!!

The smaller version fits OT perfectly, only a few millimeters clearance on width, and the extra depth provides a rest for the audio cables to not stress the jacks…

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Sweet thatll make it easier to try the OT on the left. Though im not much of a player i tend to play the P6 and sequence the AK and at mo im only kinda using the OT as a glorified drum machine.
I need to rearrange my setup again so the i can feed the OT with the other gear. Easy enough to do and then it will open up the OT for lots of shenanigans heh heh…

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Lovely setup

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Thank you thats very kind. If im honest im not skilled enough to get the best out of it but im learming and having a ball while i am :slight_smile:

Rock on dude - as long as youre bustin serious MC Hammer moves while you jam - thats the whole point… urgh makes me want to go wiggle again…

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I suffer from too much OCD to reshuffle and am currently too homeless to keep a steady setup! At the moment it’s whatever fits my pelican 1510… I have a modular in storage which I rearranged twice and after that bought no more modules, no more muffwigglers, I used it to perform with, sample and fuck around high with for two years, lesson learned. I always felt too dumb and distracted too get everything out of a piece of gear, reshuffling only makes that harder for me, guess it has to do with being in bands most of my musical life, better too be very good at one instrument than try it all!

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Thats me definitely. I moved my studio around yesterday for the second time in a little over a month. I was wondering if others do the same.

Yes, I often place my DN on the left of my DT and Heat and then put it back on the right:)

not really :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but my drumming background makes me think a lot about doing things ergonomically.

first i draw all connections and equipment layout on paper.
and write down all reasons WHY it has to be there and connected that way.

and then i figure out the best possible tradeoffs, because there are a lot of mutually exclusive options.

for example, some controls must be operated with dominant hand, others not.
some equipment has few alternate options to be connected (e.g. USB or MIDI DIN), other has the only way.

etc etc

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I love doing this too.
Think I’ve put new pics in to the my setup thread quite a few times now. Each time I am really pleased with the layout until I sell or swap a bit of gear then it all starts again.
Good times :grinning:

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It’s quite soothing to know there are other people with the same mental disabilities like me haha :smiley:


I LOVE rearranging my gear & trying out different signal chains / set ups. I normally do it once a month.

When you have a lot of gear it might make rearranging a big task but at the same time it’s fun because there are SO many different signal change & set up options.

Recently I split my gear up into 3 different set ups.

MPC 2500 is the master of 1 set up. Maschine Mk3 is the master of the other set up. Then I have a portable style set up with Volca’s, 404sx, op-1, Bastle dude, MPC 500 (all battery powered).

Every once in awhile I’ll switch the extra samplers, synths, portable gear around between the 3 different main set ups.

This also keeps things from getting boring or repetitive, for example it switches up my workflow so I don’t get stuck in the habit of always making music the same way / always using the same workflow. I learn more & it keeps me inspired, creative. Using different workflows & different gear really keeps things interesting & has me making a lot of different styles & sounds.

Because of all the time I now have I think I’ve rearranged my studio 6 times in the last month. After each time I feel like I’ve gotten to the perfect feng shui to only realize I can move a few pieces around and it will be even better. The never ending pursuit for the perfect setup! :joy:


I can´t count how many times I rearranged everything. I also enjoy it more than I should though :smiley: Only thing that really gets on my nerves is pulling out cables that intertwine each other in unthinkable ways even when they´re barely moved/touched. And when you think you´re almost there the end/connector gets stuck at some corner of the desk/rack or another piece of gear and you have to reach out/bend down again… what fun :wink:
Since I´m having two DJ sets with dedicated racks for the records I don´t really have many options on how to set everything up since this room is not just my music room and has two doors as well.

I went from this:

to this:

just to try this just a few months later:

(desk is in the middle now between both DJ sets). But I´m currently downsizing so I might get the itch to redo everything once again sometime soon…

I’ve got an ideal setup that just flows perfect for me, so I dont really re-arrange things. I’m so scarce on time alone with my gear, I like to spend it creating music, sounds, textures, etc…Only time I re-arrange is when a new piece of gear comes in or I want to run my outboard effects with different gear. That’s maybe twice a year. I’m too OCD for a the switcharoos