What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 2)

sample turning pages of the book and feed the output into the OTO

That is a way to metaphorically delay a Shinkansen. But then… I don’t want to be banned from entering Japan. :thinking:

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Cascadia. Intentions: make beautiful sounds


record the bullet train sound then feed sample to oto

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  • White noise oscillator
  • Low pass filter
  • One speed LFO pre-routed to VCA

…aaand I bought it again :see_no_evil:

My intentions are to see if my sound creation skills have improved since last I owned it. Otherwise, I might sell it again :frog:


put in a deposit for this yest

destiny+ entanglement space

i believe its like a 2 month build time currently, but been so busy lately i’m sure i’ll be cringing at the fed ex duties fees in no time when it arrives :joy:


Intention…pretty obvious. Build a stereo compressor.


Make some WIP pics :slight_smile: is it a 500 module?

Funnily enough I was looking at 500. But I’d need a case and power etc blah blah and it ain’t cheap. I already have a small eurorack case so I thought I’d stick with that format.


Sam shepherd is that you


Doepfer Wasp VCF. Got into Eurorack again…I had the case with PSU already here, wasn’t really sure if I wanted to go Euro, but then I found an incredibly cheap Wasp Filter on classifieds. 40€…I thought it must be a scam, but it’s really a music store from Hamburg selling pretty cheap Euro stuff. So shipping was quick and it was well packaged.
They had a 4 or 5 cases with modules they were selling, but they didn’t update the listing, so no idea if everything is already gone.

They had or still have a Tirana for 120€, a Moskwa for 220€, Audio Damage Dub Jr. Delay for 110€ and lots of Pittsburgh and Doepfer modules.


woohoo found one locally for a steal, prob the first vintage synth i’ve wanted… thats why my first euro module was intellijel atlantis. Great to have the real thing in my hands, personally love the colour it is now that it’s sun bleached


Zed-6 mixer:
Purpose/Use: Sub-mixing percussion from ‘non-primary’ drum machines so I actually use them (Cycles/Razzmatazz/MC-307)


That’s a banging rack setup.


Squarp Pyramid just arrived in the mail!

I’m excited for the midi looping capabilities, but mainly purchased it for the linear sequencing abilities.

The embarassing truth is that in 25 years of playing various instruments across different genres, I HAVE NEVER FINISHED A SINGLE SONG. Not one.

One one hand, I’m ok with that - music has always been a hobby, and I just love jamming over my own loops or with friends. Super rewarding.

On the other hand, as time goes on, I’m realizing that there’s some internal psychological stuff underlying that inability to finish tracks - perfectionism, unrealistic standards, lack of focus, difficulty “letting go” due to preconceived notions of what the final product should look like - and that this stuff actually manifests itself throughout my life in different ways.

I want to start finishing songs just to prove to myself that I can, ya know? They don’t even have to be good songs! They just have to be done. It feels like a healthy goal, and having a proper sequencer that can arrange all of my instruments feels like a step in the right direction.


Very interesting reading your reflections. Thanks for sharing. Have you thought about how you might go about finishing songs?

Well, I’ve been jamming with a drummer friend recently, it goes all over the place but we keep regressing to our teenage punk roots. Guitar, bass synth and drums still feels really good.

I’m going to try to lean into that for awhile and write some shitty 2 minute punk songs!


I can totally relate to that, and the Pyramid was my first stepping stone into the proper, dedicated, sequencer game. I later sold it for an Hapax as I was not so much into long linear sequences anyway.

My personal way to overcome the “I have to prove myself I can make a song after spending all those money on gear” was to simply continuing jamming, and pretend they’re all “performances” :grin:

Back on topic:
Ordered a Torso T1, I’m planning to use it with a Syntakt and a Micromonsta2 in a self contained, portable, performative setup (AnalogSol style)

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Not a purchase but I’ve just won the TC Electronic Studio Elite Collection after filling in their survey and looking forward to playing with the reverbs :slight_smile:

Also just paid for the upgrade to Axon 3 from Audio Damage and plan to make noise with it!