What's your all-time favourite DRUM Machine?

It s just a TR8S without as many parts and outputs. I love it… I get great useful drums out of it and like the processing in it. Not so limited.

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I’ll never get over 808 sounds.

But as far as using drum machines goes, the Model:Cycles has stayed my favorite since I got it.




Still- A4+DFAM+ModBase


Did a quick count of all the mentions of each instrument in this thread. If you left a reply mentioning “I love X but not Y”, then both X and Y will be counted, as I didn’t want to spend too much time parsing each message in the thread :slight_smile:

Still shows some clear results, which to honest, are expected as this is a Elektron-focused forum!


124     = Analog Rytm
54      = Digitakt
28      = MachineDrum
21      = Roland TR8-S
12      = Roland TR-909
11      = SOMA Pulsar-23
10      = Roland TR-808
9       = Analog Four
8       = OctaTrack
7       = Syntakt
6       = Jomox Alpha Base
6       = Volca Drum
5       = PlumButter
5       = Roland TR-606
3       = DFAM
3       = Digitone
3       = PO-12
2       = MonoMachine
2       = Gene Hoglan
2       = Alesis HR-16
1       = Circuits Drumtraks
1       = Simmons SDX
1       = DrumBrute
1       = Volca Sample
1       = Model:Samples
1       = MPC 3000
1       = Volca Kick
1       = Roland HandSonic HPD-15
1       = Roland CR8000
1       = Alesis SR-16
1       = DSI Tetra
1       = Roland TB-303
1       = Korg ESX-1
The code in case you're curious about how it was counted

As mentioned, not the smartest script, just counts the amount of mentions in each post in this thread, checks it against a hard-coded list of instruments.

#! /usr/bin/env bb

(require '[clojure.string :refer [lower-case]])

(def url "https://www.elektronauts.com/t/169429/202.json")

(defn ingest [u cache?]
    (let [id (hash u)
          f (io/file (str "./cache/" id))]
      (if (and (.exists f) cache?)
        (slurp f)
          (let [data (slurp u)]
            (spit f data)
            (Thread/sleep 100)

(def data (ingest url false))

(def post-ids (-> data :post_stream :stream))

(pprint post-ids)

(def all-names
  {"Jomox Alpha Base" ["Jomox Alpha Base"
                       "Jomox Alpha"
                       "Alpha Base"]
   "Analog Four" ["Analog Four"
   "Analog Rytm" ["Analog Rytm"
   "Digitakt" ["Digitakt"
   "Digitone" ["Digitone"]
   "MachineDrum" ["MachineDrum"
   "MonoMachine" ["MonoMachine"]
   "OctaTrack" ["OctaTrack"]
   "Syntakt" ["Syntakt"]
   "Simmons SDX" ["Simmons SDX"]
   "Gene Hoglan" ["Gene Hoglan"]
   "Korg ESX-1" ["Korg ESX-1"]
   "Roland CR8000" ["Roland CR8000"]
   "Roland TB-303" ["Roland TB-303"
   "Roland TR8-S" ["Roland TR8-S"
   "Roland TR-606" ["Roland TR-606"
   "Roland TR-808" ["Roland TR-808"
   "Roland TR-909" ["Roland TR-909"
   "Roland HandSonic HPD-15" ["HandSonic HPD-15"]
   "DSI Tetra" ["DSI Tetra"]
   "SOMA Pulsar-23" ["SOMA Pulsar-23"
   "MPC 3000" ["MPC 3000"]
   "DFAM" ["DFAM"]
   "DrumBrute" ["DrumBrute"]
   "PlumButter" ["PlumButter"]
   "Circuits Drumtraks" ["Circuits Drumtraks"]
   "Model:Samples" ["Model:Samples"]
   "Volca Kick" ["Volca Kick"]
   "Volca Sample" ["Volca Sample"]
   "Volca Drum" ["Volca Drum"]
   "PO-12" ["PO-12"]
   "Alesis HR-16" ["HR-16"]
   "Alesis SR-16" ["SR-16"]})

(def counts
    (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
              (assoc acc k 0))

(doseq [id post-ids]
  (let [url (str "https://www.elektronauts.com/t/169429/posts.json?post_ids%5B%5D=" id)]
    ;; (println url)
    (let [data (ingest url true)
          cooked (-> data :post_stream :posts first :cooked)
          match? (atom false)]
      ;; (pprint cooked)
      (doseq [[primary names] all-names]
        (when (some #(clojure.string/includes? (lower-case cooked) (lower-case %)) names)
          (swap! counts update primary inc)
          (reset! match? true)))
      (when-not @match?
        (println "Warning! No matches in the following message:")
        (println cooked)))))

(pprint @counts)

(def to-be-sorted (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
                            (conj acc {:name k
                                       :count v}))

(pprint to-be-sorted)

(def sorted (reverse (sort-by :count to-be-sorted)))

(println "")
(println "FINAL RESULTS:")
(println "")
(pprint sorted)

(doseq [{:keys [name count]} sorted]
  (println (str count "\t= " name)))

Don’t trust these results too much, just a simple “mention counter”. If you want accurate results, go through the thread manually and keep track of it in a spreadsheet :slight_smile: Post the results here once you’re done!


Somebody mentioned Tempest fer sure

Someone mentioned Neil Peart :wink:


When I clicked the code part, I was not expecting to see some Clojure and Babashka. Nice mate :slight_smile:


I’m gonna say AR.

What a shocker that Elektron take the top three spots on a forum dedicated to Elektron :smiley:


According to this, more than 50% of the posts in the thread are for Analog Rytm. That would mean that every other post was for Analog Rytm. Are you sure this working correctly? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t want to count myself so I’ll just accept it.

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It’s working correctly in the sense that it counts mentions of the various instruments from each post in this thread. It does not work “correctly” in the sense of figuring out what each authors favorite drum machine is, as it simply counts the mentions.

More than 50% of the posts do mention the Rytm, but some of the posts also mention other instruments in the same post, and in that case, it increases the count for multiple instruments :slight_smile:

So adding up add the counts, it’ll be more counts than the number of posts.

In the end, my tally doesn’t answer what everyone’s favorite drum machine is, but just how often each instrument is mentioned in this thread, in a good or bad way. A post saying “I hate the Analog Rytm but I love the DFAM” would add one count for the Rytm and one of the DFAM.


Pioneer SP 16 the best sound! Like the Digitakt it not a drum machine, but a Sampler but the sound is stunning


The best sounding machine in the market.

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Clojure FTW!


I think you may well be right.

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not really it’s shit, but not without its charm.
swapping out the ROM chip can expand the OGs pure 80s soundset.



Perkons may sway the decision.


Digitakt, Syntakt, and Roland TR-8S are my favorites currently.

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Hands down MFB-Tanzbär. Such a nice thing. Love it.