What's next for Elektron?

Depends on your setup, but yes probably


Me after two nights with the AH :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Is it some software? :slight_smile: As computers can have adjustable screen brightness depending on the setup. And it looks like an Ableton or Max4Live knob.

Is it Elektron related or a private project?

Poor @Ess cannot post something that might take place in the 2/3 of a days time, that he spends out of work, without people interpreting Elektron stuff into it :wink:

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Haha yeah, it’s pretty funny.

It’s a new project, completely unrelated to Elektron.


damn you just went and prematurely killed 10 pages of rumors that would’ve followed tomorrow



What do you mean?? I’m waiting for the “what’s next for Ess?”-thread!


A stand alone sequencer would be cool

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Done. What’s next for ess?


Now that standalone Maschine+, Mpc One, and Mpc live 2 have all released since the digitakt came out, I’m thinking a Digitakt MK2 refresh with proper song mode, stereo sampling etc will be the next upcoming release next year or early 2022.

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Wavetable Synth


Standalone Push3 “powered by Elektron” with full import/export to Live, plus all the OT/DT performance goodies - contactless xfader! With digiwaves, SID emulation, selectable category or macro smart randomization and morph feathers & smart formant reprocessing like the Vsynth. Plus various analog hardware plugin carts like SE. that should do it. Take my €2500 please! Oh and they outsource desktop software dev and stick to DSP and circuit design, and the new OB3+ app converts any project file from any/all Elektron gear to any other family format - as well as exporting to .als
That should do it.

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Dear Elektron:

Please design an audio interface with the following features:

  • DigiX formfactor and price
  • 8 channels of analog audio in, stereo out
  • 8 track midi sequencer
  • Overbridge enabled for DAW integration
  • Standalone mode
  • USB audio class-compliant inputs for connecting other Elektron gear in standalone mode
  • Multiple effects modules for the analog audio ins

These features are mostly a combo of existing hardware elements, so it should be a nice return on investment!



Just wondering about the time frames of those previous Elektrons but would Elektron have something in the pipeline before the end of this year?

Does something need to come out every year? :confused:

Way to saturate and frustrate people.
Space it out!

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Remember we had M:C already this year. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if 2021 is slated for the next one. Most releases are a year or two apart if you look back at their previous boxes.

Would love to see their take on a visualiser / visual processor, along the lines of the Eyesy or some of the LZX stuff. A high end version with mad power. Integrateable with their other machines, including Octatrack scenes :exploding_head:

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I really enjoy the concept of analog video synthesis and think it could be really cool to make a digital video synthesizer. Sort of like the dx7 vs a moog. I bet you could do some really weird stuff.


Yea, I’d like to see an Octatrack for video, with endless video clip mangling possibilities.