What's next for Elektron?

Some overbridge type hardware device with multiplayer capability. I imagine it would be incredibly hard to get it to work efficiently but being able to jam with other people around the world on an Elektron would be killer😀 or
models: multiplayer

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Video synthesisaktone

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Synth with sample player
With. Random sequencer play



I hope Elektron would surprise the Analog Rytm users someday with interesting new machines for the BT, LT, MT, HT, CH, OH, CY and CB engines. These deserve a bit more speciality on the percussion synth creation to stand out from everything else out there.


Being analog, the rytm doesn’t have “engines” so much as circuits, right? Isnt that why you can layer samples on top of the synth tracks?


Indeed I ment circuit’s instead of the (sample)engine’s.

Well, that would require an entirely new device. You can’t flash analog chips with firmware…

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The Analog Rytm use FPGA’s this means Elektron can create different ways to control the integrated circuit like a modular synth.


Hmm, I wasn’t aware that the RYTM used FPGA’s. That doesn’t seem right, but what do I know?

I’d like to see confirmation of this too. Surely you could mod the hell out of such a setup if you knew what you were doing if that was the case. Interesting :thinking:

FPGA isn’t analog so I guess Analog Rytm shouldn’t use those?

Here more detail how Elektron implemented FPGA: A4 teardown (and infrared pics)

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Okay, so it’s just controlling the analog circuits? I guess that it’s ”ok” then to still call the synth analog :slight_smile:

I guess I got confused by the fact that some recent digital synths use FPGA’s for sound generation as well.

Dude, yes! This exactly


Digitakts mighty big brother.
A sampler. Not just a drum sampler, but a real boy!
-Some Polyphony
-A bit of time stretchin and pitch shifting
-Audio track or two
-4 inputs
-2 filters
-No song mode.


I bet it could be a Model:Samples compagnion.
A Digididdly!
It’s like a Tamagochi. If you love it, it loves you too.
Spread the love!


The best thing about this is you could sequence mix levels creating a cadaver Equis patch like make noise RxMx does

MIDI FX (Pedal) in the Heat format.

That we don’t have something like the octatrack in mixer form is a black eye to all the synth industry, shame on them… :grimacing: