What's next for Elektron?

Well, that would require an entirely new device. You can’t flash analog chips with firmware…

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The Analog Rytm use FPGA’s this means Elektron can create different ways to control the integrated circuit like a modular synth.


Hmm, I wasn’t aware that the RYTM used FPGA’s. That doesn’t seem right, but what do I know?

I’d like to see confirmation of this too. Surely you could mod the hell out of such a setup if you knew what you were doing if that was the case. Interesting :thinking:

FPGA isn’t analog so I guess Analog Rytm shouldn’t use those?

Here more detail how Elektron implemented FPGA: A4 teardown (and infrared pics)

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Okay, so it’s just controlling the analog circuits? I guess that it’s ”ok” then to still call the synth analog :slight_smile:

I guess I got confused by the fact that some recent digital synths use FPGA’s for sound generation as well.

Dude, yes! This exactly


Digitakts mighty big brother.
A sampler. Not just a drum sampler, but a real boy!
-Some Polyphony
-A bit of time stretchin and pitch shifting
-Audio track or two
-4 inputs
-2 filters
-No song mode.


I bet it could be a Model:Samples compagnion.
A Digididdly!
It’s like a Tamagochi. If you love it, it loves you too.
Spread the love!


The best thing about this is you could sequence mix levels creating a cadaver Equis patch like make noise RxMx does

MIDI FX (Pedal) in the Heat format.

That we don’t have something like the octatrack in mixer form is a black eye to all the synth industry, shame on them… :grimacing:

Creative delay device, like thyme, with sequencer, p-lock, trig condition.


Sounds modular to me!


A low-price FM drum machine & synth. Same form factor and price as M:S.


It really sounds like FM-ish Drums or 12 bit Drums.

I’d like to see Elektron partner with one of the pedal power builders (Voodoo Labs/Truetone/Cioks) and put out an isolated power block that can power at least 5 Elektron units at a time. It would be nice to eliminate all the extra power cords and power warts.


I like that. I was on stage last night with 4 elektron boxes…


Id like to see a synth, similar to the mnm; it can even have the same level of basic synthesis options/power but with an ability of a synth machine on one channel to interact extensively with a synth on another channel, plus the same powerful interactivity between patterns of different channels, or even an ability of a synth of one channel to interact with a pattern of another channel. Basically, interaction between everything and anything; powerful digital modular. With modern CPUs it shouldn’t be a problem.
Such synth could pause my inevitable transition to 100% computer environment probably for another 5 yrs and id easily pay 2000 euros for such machine!