Whats going on with Youtube?

I think we’d probably have a lot less quality content, and even more payola, if there were no intrinsic financial incentive.

But we’d also have fewer of the culture-rotting “influencers” kicking around, so who knows.


Elta Music let it slip how much Andrew Huang charges companies to “review” their synths on their YT comments the other day. :scream:
Turns out you can make a lot of money on YouTube.

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Good points, well made

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So messed up.


when you put it like that it makes me want to puke :face_vomiting: :laughing:

Paying 12usd for 3-4 records on Bandcamp is an exponentially more productive way to spend ones money.

I haven’t learned one thing on YT that I couldn’t have read in a book or manual or asked people here.


Oooooh you gotta link to that :slight_smile:


It’s buried in the comment at the bottom with 10 replies.


Just checked the comment thread. That’s ridiculous money. Well I’ve never liked the guy or his videos anyway. The preview picture alone always prevents me from watching any of his videos.


fuuuu k

glad to say Im not into huang’s channel at all.

mylar, sonic state, & loopop are more my speed. personally.


So if people have financial incentives they are more likely to be higher quality videos in what? 4K uploads?

That’s the rub, though. The data harvesting and ads are intrinsically related. Paying for premium should opt you out of both.



This whole thing reminds me of Pyramid selling.


Type what you’re looking for on DuckDuckGo, click video, and ad free youtube awaits, as long as you watch it from DuckDuckGo.

If you need the full screen experience, then you have to click on Youtube, but if it’s just listening to music or something then…

DuckDuckGo isn’t as feature rich as Google and the search engine isn’t as deep, but seems to be that there’s far less cr@ppy advertisments at the top and search results bumping for a fee there.

For anti capitalist rebels.


I hate the world I live in. I wish I could just live in a cabin in the woods with no internet and no knowledge of the state of the world. Ignorance truly is bliss.


Room for one more?


I use duckduckgo as my browser and search. Does the job well, I find.
I have an Android TV though, and watch YouTube on that, so get stung pretty hard by the ads.

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Generally yes but it sucks that you should pay for not being taken advantage of. And in case of Youtube you might get the opt out for the video platform but as soon as you use any other Google service you‘re being exploited again.

I‘d prefer a platform with a micropayment/on demand approach. Like you pay 1€/$/£ to watch the video and support the creator directly (and if you‘d like to rewatch the video you pay 10 cents/pennies each time. Just random numbers to illustrate the idea).

If Youtube was using the money to pay all creators a fair share and maybe even build a proper studio where people can shoot their videos with the money they earn that would be a different thing but since it’s basically the opposite I won’t support them financially in any way.


This is the best one in my experience. adblock+ is less strict. Not sure if its available on mobile