Whatever gear you have now is what you’re stuck with

No problems here. I’m excited and greatful for the instruments and related gear I have and realistically what I have in hand now will take me a lifetime to master and explore fully.

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This is when I actually make music instead of always trying to figure out the ‘ultimate setup’ (I have a history of at least 15 ‘ultimate setups’).

New gear kill my workflow. Period.

I’ve been knowing that for a while, but there is always a forum (hem hem) reminding me that this or that piece of gear is so cool, I should try it.

Recently, I have hacked myself by ordering gear I knew wouldn’t be delivered before several months. Result: after a decade without anything achieved, I could at last come up with a live set (that I played at a gig for the first time last Tuesday).

So, yeah, if you’re like me, the take-away from this post is: hack yourself.


I have everything I need already. I’m trying to get rid of stuff as I have too many synths.

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I would be slightly sad that I’m currently guitarless. I guess I would just never play guitar again, but considering all the synths, samplers, and software I have, it would be ok. I might even learn to play keys better!

In this scenario am I allowed to build my own instruments/effects? How about coding? I’ve been working programming a couple things (an effect and a weird noise-making thing that I can’t really categorize) for a while, and if I couldn’t get new gear I’m sure I’d actually find the time to finish them! :wink:


no complaints it is really up to me at this point as I have tons of quality studio gear.

Solid. I’d likely even sell some stuff, just to make it more interesting.


My modest amount of gear is already more than enough

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I’m good. I’m not very susceptible to FOMO or GAS, so new gear doesn’t typically trigger me.

A few years ago I had settled in on my core of the DT/DN pairing, and only wishing for a box with some analog goodies in a Digi format. Syntakt was that thing and then some, so now I’m happy.

Plus I have a few other toys to break out if I want some variety in my workflow, which is rare.

Fucking amazing thanks. Sorted.


What about random freebies?
I tried to giveaway my subsequent 37 during the lockdowns. No one wanted it :rofl:

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Honestly…never looked better. There’s nothing else I need only things I “need”
Thanks for the perspective.

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Looks great! I have enough software and hardware to last many lifetimes. <3

I would have put on a hazmat suit and picked that shit up :smile:

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The futures so bright, I gotta wear shades.


Unless one needs new software, hardware or sound packs to improve for whatever said reason - it’s going to be pretty much the same. Makes sense?

Definitely got enough to keep me going.

The biggest problems would be my laptop dying, or if that doesn’t count, then Ableton 11 and my current VSTs eventually not running on 256 quibit MacOS Mariner Valley or whatever

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I finally will learn how to make music and not how to buy and sell hardware. Finally.


right now i have a:

model : cycles
moog grandmother
sequential take 5
cheap off-brand guitar and bass
m1 macbook air w. logic
(not counting some odds and ends like some beat-up old volcas that have been tucked away)

enormously grateful for all of it and would honestly probably be more productive if i had 50% less than what’s on this list


I’m in a moderately comfortable place financially, but still think in terms of what got me here: always assume the last paycheck is the last one. Obtain the stuff I want long term free & clear and prioritize things I can sell for ready cash if needed.

Scarcity mindset means I’ve never owned an Audi and probably never will, but have owned a (very very small) yacht and will likely own a bigger one (but still small) soon.

So yeah I can be fine with the gear I have. Would like to keep improving it, but the gods are going to have to smite really hard to get me down. :innocent:

Edit: I mean I’m super easy to smite. Just a tiny hit would do it. Barely survivin’ here, Zeus!


Honestly, I already have more than everything one could need for an entire music career in the box.

And the DN + M:C for computer-free inspiration. Everything else is a nice-to-have.