What would your favourite smallest possible setup be for an hour liveset?

i perform 1h live sets with quadrantid swarm + dfam -> zen delay

you need a laaaate night crowd though these days that is willing to dance to this kinda dumb industrial bummbumm :rofl:

(sometimes i miss a bassdrum though, adding volca kick only kinda worked)

the last 10 years it was octatrack + a lil‘ faderfox + mic, that worked beautifully, can recommend
(one possible prob: you gotta stay sober to perform live with the OT)

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Relevant video from Oora today:


Mine’s not quite ‘minimal’ (I’d just use my Digitakt for that), but I do keep my setup lean.

For the kind of tracks I create I like to have:

A bass voice (dual oscillator monosynth)
Polysynth for pads
Arps and Stringy stuff (104HP 7U Eurorack, lots of variety here and where I do most sound design)
Drum machine / Sampler
Sequencer (I use an Oxi like our good man Oora above)

That gives me 4 stereo tracks on my DJ Mixer. I’d love to work up to hour long sets but more work needed to get there - that’s more on me than the gear though :slight_smile:

Interesting prompt. It’s inspired me, as a beginner to synths, to see just how much track-to-track variety in voice arrangement, and how wide a repertoire of performance techniques, I could get out of the Mother32-DFAM combo.

I think my first cheat would be to add a keystep to sequence the DFAM and to improvise notes over a pattern or two. I’d do everyone the mercy of aiming to do 20-30 minutes.

Second answer (even though any hour-long set is a stretch 6 months into playing synths): Syntakt plus Nymphes, with keystep (so … my other gear) seems like a pretty complete setup and nicely complementary to each other. The expressive control options available on Syntakt sounds and on Nymphes (when routed to midi thru) would make for a fun set to play live.

I use a different setup almost every time I play out. Probably not the best idea but that’s how my brain works. I don’t usually aim for the most streamlined setup possible unless there’s a decent chance the event will get busted and you might have to run full speed from the cops while carrying your gear.
Most decent grooveboxes can be used solo if you know them well enough.
I’ve played many hour long sets with only a korg er1 and a moogerfooger ring modulator. I’ve also done quite a few with just an es1 or esx.
I could easily see playing an hour long live set with only a rytm or even just an m:c. I haven’t had enough time to try anything simulating a set with it yet but I think the blastbeats might fit the bill well too.

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I still like this

Let’s probably take it from Vl. onwards, but in any case, what would be your smallest possible setup for every case?

Pretty portable and nice setup actually, OT and Virus. Similar to an OT + Blofeld, or even a Machinedrum + Blofeld, a setup I actually do really enjoy using.

Interesting! A good resume would be a drum machine/sampler sequencer, a polysynth, and an effect pedal? :slight_smile:

2 groove boxes (eg any elektron) + a cross fader DJ mixer between them

Feeling adventurous, replace the mixer with an OT


Any specific one? What would be your take?

OT as mixer/main sampler

Honestly though, every time I play out (2-3 times a month), my setup is different.

With already recorded loops, synth lines, etc? Or 100% based on drum samples and single cycle waveforms being sequenced and processed by OT?

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polySynth or monoSynth? :slight_smile:
Which one would you take from the ones you own?

Would you use it as Ableton in a sense of having loops previously recorded, or would you sequence single hits and use it also as a synth?


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I guess it depends what sort of set I’d be doing, some are good for continuous music, others are not.

Anything with a single song in memory at a time like MPC, MC-707, Polyend tracker or others is not IMHO best for this, due to needing to load the next project/song. Although note that with some compromises these can still do it.

But devices like Octatrack (indeed any Elektron) Electribes, Deluge, Circuits, are more built from the ground up for this type of thing, assuming the preparation in advance has been done.

For total improv, I’d probably choose modular though, nothing pre-planned, just go with the flow.


Polylhonic synth plus OT represent a lot of potential. MD too, yes, hundred times yes. Rytmic, sample, midi within 16 tracks, so marvelous duo.
Operational modes are different, but you may product a lot with such tinystudios


I like this question, makes me think more about how i can do more live stuffs.

Analog Rytm mki, Machinedrum, or Digitakt with pre-prepared loops.

Perhaps I could sequence something like a Norand Mono into the ins if i felt extra-spicy.

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And here’s a video of this setup in effect!