What is this thing and How do I remove it?

Hello Folks,

I have just grab a cheap Digitone from Reverb… and when it arrived I found it has some kind of attachment or shoe underneath it.

What is this, and, how can I remove it?


That mofo is riveted on. You’re going to have to open up the box, take out all the guts, then see if those outer 4 are screw down rivets or if they’re actually punched in. The center one is a pop rivet, the only way to get it off is going to be to either clip off one end with a pair of metal shears, or I guess you could grind it off with a grinder or a dremel. It will be easier if you use a pair of channel lock pliers to pinch up the ends, you might even be able to crush one side enough to pull it through.

Be prepared to have 5 extra holes in the bottom of that digitone though. Anyways congratulations on your purchase, if that’s all that’s wrong with it, no big deal right? Especially if it was a bargain.

Edit: thread spoiler, according to other users it’s adhesive so luckily I’m wrong!


“Quick relase” – the irony :rofl:

It looks like a base plate for a stand or an arm mount. Good luck releasing the new DN & congrats !


Yeah, that’s a Digitone shoe.


Digitone City.


it’s probably some mount for tripod or something.

if it sits straight with this then keep it, probably not worth the extra effort and possibly damaging further :slight_smile:

congrats on the DN!!


Report/review the hell out of this mf, if this wasn’t clear in the Reverb add. I really hate it when I buy stuff online and someone has been hobbying with the gear without stating that.

That it was cheap, is no excuse.


Good point.


It’s not even centered, luckily you’ll hardly see it!

Congrats on the DN and hope you get it sorted!


Fuckin’ amateur work!


It’s a pedal plate to mount stuffs in Temple Audio pedal boards.

The thing is not drilled, just glued to the back of the Digitone. To remove it u can use a heat gun or a hair dryer until the glue get’s looser and remove it from the back, there’s some videos in youtube if u wanna look someone doing it.

After that if u end up with some residues of glue in the DN u can remove them by rubbing it with a little bit of alcohol or just by hand.


this is correct. it’s just adhesive.


Just wait till you bring out the shoe horn for that thing. The crowd will go W.I.L.D.!!!

I’ll see myself out…

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Keep it, so you can attach a USB battery pack to the bottom with a magnet.



A few months ago I bought a pedal on eBay and it had one of those on the bottom. Super annoying because it kept the pedal from sitting flat and the seller didn’t mention it being there (personally I don’t even like people leaving Velcro on pedals they’re selling). The adhesive was very strong but I was able to slice right through it with a hot wire knife. I suspect the heat was the bigger factor than the ultra thin cutting edge but that probably didn’t hurt.


This is a good point, also when the case is metal and the adhesive is strong then it’s a recipe for cooking the internals, testing the adhesion of the paint/powdercoat (causing bubbles or lifting) and causing the feet to fall off if you use a heat gun or something that spreads high heat out throughout the chassis box.

Probably still a good idea to remove the internals while you try and get it off if using heat that will be absorbed by the chassis itself.

I actually had adhesive lift the paint off of a pedal once and I was super lucky that they deemed it a finish flaw and gave me another base plate.


If heat might be an issue you could consider using some kind of solvent (alcohol/isopropyl)


looks like it will get a e25 finish in the bottom…


I should have said ONLY adhesive as opposed to riveted to the bottom of the chasis. adhesive is still a pain and could ruin stuff, as you’ve pointed out. I’d be pissed if I’d bought this, depending upon how much I paid. and I’d disassemble it enough to move the boards aside before using a heat gun.

they use solvents in the video I posted. Goo Gone or Contractor’s Solvent should work great. BUT there’s holes in the bottom of the DN. so you may still have to disassemble. or be VERY careful where you’re directing the solvent.