What frequency do you tune your A4 to? (440hz / 432hz)

I’d prefer the harmonic seventh then. :grin:

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‘432Hz’ has dumbed down the wider subject to the lowest common denominator and made it easy for general ‘jump to conclusion’ dipshits to digest… I have a theory it started as an EMI marketing strategy to shift more copies of Dark Side of the Moon.

But, the subject of resonant frequencies/vibrational resonance is fascinating and definitely does exist in nature… every physical object having a resonant frequency (and multiples of) is wild really.


This is one of the things I find funniest, the notion of moving music down from 440Hz to 432Hz and it opening up your third eye when our whole system is out of tune in the first place according to the harmonic series/nature. :upside_down_face:

Has anyone else spent time listening to harmonically ‘correct’ intervals and then compared them with the equal temperament equivalent?? Major 3rds and 5ths are quite wild.


I’m pretty sure a Lyra 8 is the answer to all of this. You never quite know how you’re tuned :+1:


or these mixer feedback noise stuff, what’s tuning anyway?

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How long for?

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…if we get away from talking electronic gear for once and start talking about the history of various tunings for orchestral music or all roots of traditional music from all aroud the world instead, we could start a serious discussion, but that topic would demand another title…

gear is gear…music is music…vibe is vibe…while the universe could’nt care less about humans constantly changing their comfortzones and the endless array of our silly habits…

Oh man. Imagine how easy it would be to tune your modular.


Try to tune your modular with a tuning fork without the help of your hands before wishing such thing.

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Yeah, fuck you, John Cage.


If this experience had resonated with you at your core frequency of 432hz you would have gone through precisely 117504 cycles during this time.
Coincidence? I think not.

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Did you long for it???

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