What are you creating during quarantine?

Just pulled apart my old Mopho to see if I can swap in a OLED display… looks like it’s possible without too much hacking.

Now to decide the color :thinking:
Yellow or White OLED?


So I’ve started a noise rap project with a guy who answered my classified ad a week before the lockdown. I’ve known the guy who’s doing the rapping for literally two hours or practice. We’re trying to do everything remotely and I’ve been working on some beats for him. It’s a challenge because it’s a style and tempo that I’ve never really made much music in (the rap part, anyway). Sent this off to him the other day as a basic beat for him to work with and am eagerly awaiting his response.


White for fun’

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I was leaning towards white oled anyway. Yellow is mid-range while white is Pro in Elektron device speak. Or digital vs analog maybe?

Pro in ELektron thread:upside_down_face:
But WE talking about DSI

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I’m going to opposite route. Putting it all away. As inspiration is at an all time low. Use two pieces of gear only. Swap every now and again. Whatever I don’t miss…bye bye.


Heh :smirk: I’m just making up connections to color screens for fun.

I’m having it all available but I can chose to use 1 device or 20 devices without having to hook things up again.

Three patch bays and a 32 channel mixer helps.

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I’ve been meaning to try to design and 3D print some d-shaft knobs. Here’s my first attempt today (no finishing work on the print).

It’s two parts. The black shell and the indicator/d-shaft slot in white.

Micromonsta case has a similar texture to my print bed.

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I’ve been finishing up lots of tracks, and starting new ones. Here’s the latest. OP-Z for drums, samples and live guitar chopped up in BeatMaker 3, arrangement in Logic.


Love this! More please! :yellow_heart:


Your First Air :+1:t6::+1:t6::+1:t6:

i just threw this together on a forced staycation. 5 tracks, about 40 minutes, enjoy!


Mostly guitar in this one, with beats from Microtonic, and my modular doing some pads, while the MS-20 makes a brief appearance. Something simple to relax and soothe the soul in troubled times.

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2nd edition knob


Beautiful, nice way to start my sunday morning, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Saturday Night Cabin Fever

Made in Renoise, all sound from the Minibrute 2.

Painting game tokens for the my Skaven blood Bowl team, ‘Doxy’s Midnight Floggers’


today i’ve been scratching the surface off the TOYBOX modular blocks, gotta go deeper thou. funny to breath life in Reaktor again since everyone is migrating to VCV. (I love VCV).

finding the path back to Reaktor is a goal ahead.

enjoy your sunday!


some octatrack fun