We're actually on a desert island for real now

Yeah, let the home schooling begin right. I surfed through synths for a few years figuring out what I liked and never liked using my computer for composing and got the OT so I could throw all of my random noodles on it after learning the DT.

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Digitone and Machinedrum UW Mk2. I just love the sound and compositions I can get from just these two devices. Call me an Elektron fan boi. :grin:


Lots of ways to pipe those into one another, you’re set! Just add bourbon, or I guess rum because island.

Do you use anything to process your MD?

I ask because the Kush Reddi plug with MD kicks has become my favorite kick combo lately.

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The Kush Audio Plug-ins are so FANTASTIC!

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Yea. The reddi and omega are the best deals in DSP if you ask me.

They make things sing and don’t break your wallet.

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My go to quarantine couch device has been the Tanzbär 2. Man that thing sounds so awesome. I need to get off the couch and run it thru the Digitone already.
Also in rotation are the Model: Cycles, MC-101, OP-1, Blackbox and Deluge.

UPDATE: Finally ran audio from Tanzbär 2 into the digitone. Holy crap it’s fun, half the time I didn’t even have a sequence playing on the DN just using it as a fancy mixer w/ efx for the tanz.

Strymon Deco for a few months now. Rolls off the highs a bit. Saturates everything nicely, everything except the kick. I’m running that seperate now. Maybe I’ll get Kush Reddi for the kick.

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Give it a demo. It’s magic on low end.

I was fortunate to own the hardware tube box about 14 years ago.
Never put a kick through it, sadly.

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Been fiddling around with the Model Cycles into the OP-1 for master fx lately.

I just might stick to that as my island survival backpack combo for now :wink:

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Lol how typical!

The question was about “one” (1) instrument but it always turns into a roll of lists of 74 instruments :joy:

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Another OB 6 lover here. Beautiful sweet spot in a box. Today Ive mainly been firing my modular into my OT flex recorders, and sampling, resampling bringing in the AR…so again, the common denominator is the OT…I don’t know what I did before I got my second octatrack…

Haha so true, I can’t talk about one without the other !

Well try! :joy::innocent::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:

Octatrack !! Just with every sample


Does it count as 1 instrument if you have the Digi twins mounted on a single stand? If so then those two, if not well I guess the Digitone, while I have a fair amount of other gear there is something about FM (and especially the way the Tone does it) that can emote like no other synthesis method. I write sad music for sad times (or happy times)… :man_shrugging:


I put this together for the lock down, perfect lap size and self contained:


I still have an MV-8000 in my closet with a ps2 mouse and vga screen laying around somewhere. Limited but fun :slight_smile:

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I’m turning on the model:cycles mostly… something kind of comforting about the limitations of it. I suppose it doesn’t hurt that it is new also. My current thoughts are more these are unsettling times and I really don’t want to dive into super deep synthesis.

To keep me busy thru these dark times, model:samples all the way… I have a boatload of hardware, but simplicity makes me happy lastly, and I focus on music instead of learning new “tricks”.


Thats a great idea. Thanks.