We need a new, post-song mode Elektron Conspiracy theory

Whatever conspiracy you decide just make sure to build it around the claim that Elektron doesn’t listen to customers.

Because that’s been proven false so many times I lost count. But conspiracists love to use such proof in their arguments that there is a more grand conspiracy afoot, and anyone who disagrees is part of the conspiracy. They eat that stuff right up. It’s laughably predictable.


Corporate shill.


2 words:




…and I still can’t believe the Digitakt is a Drum Computer.
I don’t think I’ll be using song mode because it takes too much fun away from it not having song mode plus ‘song mode’ sounds a bit Stock, Aitken and Waterman to me.

Oh ok fuck it - I’ll be updating it this weekend then…

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The new Octatrack must have some amazing features none of the other boxes have

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All conspiracies are now 100% Octatrack related. Do not underestimate the importance of the crossfader, Elektron. We love it. It’s your legacy.

Give us the option of STEREO or MONO samples. :rage: :black_heart:

Use your heads, everybody. What’s the main benefit of Song Mode? It frees up your hands/attention since you don’t have to manually control mutes and pattern changes. And what do you do with your hands/attention when you’re not playing with gear? You shop for more gear.

Song mode is just a ploy to make us buy more stuff. I for one find it appalling and will not be updating my machine. Nice try, Elektron.


Elektron actually does still manufacture the monomachine, and they sell them for a nice profit on reverb.


We just need “consistent” mode on the Digitone. Again, you can always flip back to “completely empty unrelated pattern mode” if you dislike consistency across your songs.

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And this is the moment where everybody realizes… They don’t need song mode :astonished:


Look, Song Mode is a thing that was talked about once or twice on this forum, we’ve been pretty discreet about this.
And now what? 3 Song Modes at the same time!!?!? Would you believe?

I’m pretty convinced Elektron is spying on us…
:male_detective: :mag:


I for one feel like my privacy has been violated. I feel triglessly triggered.


Slide trigging into our dm’s


Could post-song mode Elektron conspiracy theory find its focus as… :cold_face:

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Maybe the Octatracks are running out so they don’t want people to buy them up too fast?! :fearful:

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Song mode sounds like some boomer stuff. Kids nowadays don’t have the attention span for a full song. Ever been on TikTok? A full verse there is an eternity.


Their pretending to listen to customers is just an obvious attempt to pull the wool over sheeples‘ eyes. Of course they do it to hide something really dark. Q has predicted this ages ago.


Its just smoke and mirrors. The fact is they havent released an Octatrack MK3 for a long time :rofl:

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I don’t know what makes the OT so good but I know we need a new one.

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I mean, we don’t need a new conspiracy theory. I suggest we replace it with a witch-hunt.

Let’s trawl through all the posts that were ever posted by people saying a song mode will never happen and HUMILIATE THEM.

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