Waldorf M

In Audioterm i used this settings.


I can imagine how something like the M is pretty much an acquired taste, but… I don’t think I’ve never saved so many presets as with this thing in just a few days.


Yup.M is not clear yet, if it ever will or even can get MPE support. You could at least utilize the multitimbral mode with something like the Morph, as suggested in that gearspace thread: https://gearspace.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-and-electronic-music-production/1358892-waldorf-m-synthesizer-71.html?highlight=Waldorf+M+MPE#post15721925
Iridium gets MPE with OS3.0 soon.
Sarah has also a video, where she explained her Morph setup. Very interested in that!

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Took me a while to start to get to grips with audio term today, was a bit more than I was expecting but I finally got a sample of me saying hello turned into a table I think I maybe interpolated it a bit much as it just sounds like “oOwOooO” maybe I just need to enunciate better. Also I found if you use the other base formula it give you 64 slices exactly, both work but you technically will miss that last slice if that is important. Next test is to insert drawn waves in between a voice sample and interpolate.

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Did you resynthesize the audio after importing it to Audioterm? I think the audio might need some prosessing to sound more intelligible. It can still sound really cool if you pitch it down a couple of octaves. It can make these lofi growling sounds. hehe.

Please share some tips if you find some cool features of the Audioterm. The interface is a bit hard to get your head around.

Im gonna try to sample my modular and make some FM and wavefolding wavetables.

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I mean, what file type you choose in the file type menu?

I think it is no 3. Wav in the file type menu.

Yeah I resynthesized it, I think that is perhaps tuning all the slices to be the same key? I think the main thing was I used blur and some interpolation to smooth it out which sounded legable in 16 bit with more slices but dropping it down to 8bit 64 slices 256sample lost enough info that it more or less just sounded like a vocal formant. I suppose it might better to get the file set up as 8bit 64 slices 256 samples and then edit it to have a better idea of the end results.

I hope I get some time to play around with vocal wave tables this weekend. I think it might help if I aggressively use eq on the sample. It will sound harsh but it might help with the intelligibility. Or just use some text to speech software as it will sound synthetic as a wavetable anyway.

I found a wavetable in waveedit of someone singing the phrase “I love Dave smith” which sounded pretty good. Not exactly useful, but it was pretty fun to play around with. He he

I tried again but this time put the file in at 8bit which made the end results more predictable maybe? but also I used the contrast when resynthing it and got better results that way, sort of cleans up your sound. Really a ton you can do to it pretty interesting stuff. I ended up layering it with a formant sound in the M, pretty happy with the results.

I think next up is to make some interesting syntrx sounds into wavetables


Love it! Thats lofi sampling! hehe

did a little video with the hello in there and the digitakt switching through various patches, first one is kind of an acid adjacent monophonic patch I came up with.


Tried to make it say “Waldorf M Techno”. Love the crunchy sound. hehe. Not very usefull but fun to play around with.


Haha I dig it, really think that the M is going to be a good source for processed vocal snippets… although I’m probably more likely to sample them than play them live

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Yeah, im thinking the same thing. hehe. text to speech works fine as it gets so synthetic after a round in Audioterm anyway.

@boboter Damn, you really nailed the character of this synth here. Love it!

Jogging House Patch Notes: I modulated the wave position of one oscillator with a fast cycling envelope to make it crackle, then used the two other envelopes to gently fade in the volumes of oscillator two and noise. A bit of filtering to taste to shave off too harsh frequencies.


Thank you! It‘s just an older instagram clip.

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@boboter any patches coming from you for the M, by the way? Would be what they call an instabuy. :slight_smile:

There are no plans for that at the moment, as I simply don‘t know anyone at Waldorf.

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If you’re interested, I can connect you with the guys at Waldorf.
Big fan of your music & sound design.
Ingo/The Producer Network