Wajatta / Tejada on NPR: “Art shouldn’t be painful”

thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:

did anyone watch the masterclass? still on my todo list

I watched this set on repeat the last couple of weeks. It has such a great flow and tension. And I love how melodic it is. This is actual melodic techno, such great melodies. Melodies are generally rare in most sets I have seen on youtube


I like the dudes but James Corden is one of my most disliked personalities on the planet. Tough watch.


interesting sounds, using a few elektron machines dope af


You know what they say about great minds? What Are You Listening To Lately - #5709 by Hans_Olo


Listening to this set now, it’s great. It’s also cool to see he’s doing it all with (I think) just a Digitakt and an Octatrack (mk1). It’s dated Feb. 2018 – was that before the OT mk2 was released? As fun as this event may have been, all the half-hearted, timid sway-dancing reminds me of things I don’t miss about LA. Perhaps I’m just being cynical (probably).

edit: shoutout to the ex-raver in the blue hoodie around the 29 minute mark getting down. That’s more like it!


Waddabout Reggie Watts? He’s dancing most of the time he’s on camera…

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Are there any Comedy Bang Bang fans on here? I think I found out about Wajatta right around the same time I was getting into Reggie Watts, who did the theme for CBB and used to be on the TV show. His easy demeanor, his whole improv “yes and” spirit have helped me take my own music less seriously and enjoy the whole process more.

I’m always surprised when I talk to other electronic music fans and they haven’t heard about Wajatta - seems like they could be getting even more attention. Looking forward to that new Tejada LP.

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No Corden until 3min43s so if you stop at that point it’s not ruined by his existence


I understand that. Probably cooler if the crowd was moving more.
I personally never cared much about watching people dance on youtube sets, I‘m just after the sound and to see the interaction with the machines. I know the lame audience is the main topic in comments of boiler room videos :upside_down_face:
I know I would be one of them, but still enjoy the music a lot :slightly_smiling_face:

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He has some track breakdowns on producertech, if anyone’s interested, he breaks down one of his tracks (unstable condition, I think) and according to what he said on a recent live stream there, he’s going to do the breakdown of “the end of it all” soon as well.


This album is real good! Been listening all morning.


It is :+1:

@finalform ahh thanks! I had no idea (I did think it was strange that there were already 3 comments on the album), I’m a bit late to the party with Tejada and totally digging his stuff. I’ll just overwrite that so I don’t disappoint anyone else lol. Got any other recommendations then? I have the all rytm album and the year of the living dead. An gonna get Parabolas now too hah.

One of my favourite Tejada albums, but it’s from 2011 - it gets bumped as a new release because there’s a new vinyl pressing.

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Yeah, I mean they’re all good but Signs Under Test, Dead Start Program, and The Predicting Machine are all really strong. Also the track Turning Point off the album Where is a favourite of mine.

Also check the Ceol EP, Flight At Night, and Sweat (On The Walls).


That’s awesome, thanks a lot! Nice track. That should keep me going for a bit :+1:

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I‘m still really hyped by his stuff. One of the best artist discoveries in recent years for me.

Another superb track


indeed. Hard to find any filler. All tracks on a high level on these releases


Nice track, thanks for sharing!
I love how his tracks unfold, evolve and how parts just effortlessly drift in and out. Sounds deceptively simple at times but he just places phrases in all the right places. Getting a schooling listening to his music!