Virtual Analog Wave Kit for The Elektron Digitone

Here it is,

The pack is 30 sounds for $4.

My first sound pack and my first demo video in which I noodle a bunch, Demo 12 patches, and chat with my digitone. (It’s kind of a talker.)

Still trying to figure out how to screencap an oscilloscope VST, but anybody with a scope is welcome to share what you find.

The patches are ordered in groups (I.e. saws, squares, folders, etc.) And deviate in stability as you go through the group. Never losing their waveshape entirely, but instead sacrificing stability of shape for more natural phasing and randomized quirks in order to emmulate different qualities inherent in different synths.

There’s also an additive organ. (Feature in the end of the video.) and my most beloved creation, a gnarly square wave distortion model meant to take this synth into some truly gritty territory.

Details on how the patches work are in the video, but we’ll explore this more in part 2 soon when I get screen cap working.

Thanks for waiting, I hope you enjoy it!

Link to purchase:


They’re all nearing perfect stability. Clean PWM, Supersaws, harmonically clear Osc Sync, Saws with crossfadable sub-squares (with mod controlled pwm), wavewrapping, formants, etc.

Really busted my chops on this, but I’m new to sound packs so I just want to gauge interest a bit.

These are just a few examples!


I think it’d be a useful pack, as I’ve seen requests come up often for good VA sounds on the Digitone.

If you clean that graphic up a bit and put it up for sale on Gumroad, I’m sure you’ll get some hits :slight_smile:


Cool idea!

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Nice, feedback has been pretty good so far so I’ll definitely get this uploaded when it’s done. And I’ll look into Gum Road for sure, thanks!


That’s great! There have definitely been times I would have liked to have just pull up a VA wave. The filters on the DN sound great to me, so having a slew of standard VA waves to pull up, sort of turns it into a four part VA Synth as well. Or, just being able to layer them with FM sounds will be very cool. It’s easy to go to wild and wooly places with the DN, but just wanting to pull up a square wave to layer with another sound is a different story.


That would be fantastic! My DN is on a loan to my best pal for a few months but I’d buy it anyway as I’m sure he’d benefit from them and I’d want to have access to them when I get it back. It would be great to a have a number of those as starting points for quick access to analogue style sounds.

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Awesome, much appreciated. On that note, what do you think would be a fair price for these? For example if it were 25-35 sounds would $4 be overpriced? I don’t want to over ask on my first pack.




I think $4 would be a great price.

Yeah, I think that’s a more than fair price. I’d probably pay a few dollars more being honest.


Great idea! I’d buy them for $4.

I’d be in for $4! Heck, $5 even:)

Yip $4…

I’d buy them. Nice starting points that will add value to the DN as a hybrid.

I would also pay $4 :slight_smile:

$4 :ok_hand:

When will ya put it up for download/purchase? Super interested

Also any demo’s of it?


Absolutely yes! Waiting for a demo!

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Not yet, decided to wait until it was 100% done to upload. The response was a bit more than I anticipated (which is good!) but I’m really really proud of these and I want the first impression to be accurate.

They’ll be on gumroad and have a youtube demo by Sunday at the latest. I’ll post with that video across pages with details as soon as I can. This is my first soundpack so I just have to get my internet things together for it’s release.

At the moment, I’m halfway through performance controls and I’m pretty confident that it will more than meet expectations. I am amazed at how far you can take this thing. Ess really hit a homerun with the Digitone.