Vermona Retroverb Lancet

About to pull the trigger on one of these, largely to add flavour to my monosynths such as 0-Coast, Mother-32, MS20 etc.

Has anyone got one/got any experience with one? The demos look great, but I’ve heard it said the spring reverb is a bit weak…

If you need a filter/envelope etc then it’s a tidy package. The filter sounds nice imo.

I just got a vsr 3.2 which i really like. Simple, and effective. Be nice if there was a stero option, tho I guess you could use 2. :slight_smile:

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Many thanks - any opinion on the spring reverb?

I couldn’t compare them tho I believe the lancet is primarily filter with added spring vibes and uses shortened springs to the vsr…

As I understand it you get a larger/longer verb with longer springs.

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Thanks - appreciate your input. Think I’m going to get one and if it doesn’t suit I can always move it on.

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Well you can get 2 weeks no questions with some places before you need to return… :slight_smile:

A week is standard tho

It really only does 1 thing. :sunny:

I’d love to try the bigger stereo and tube versions !!

I tried the retroverb lancet and sold it because the enveloppe was a bit hard to control, i just bought an old retroverb and i find this ine far better and easier to use!!

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I was considering buying it a couple of years back but got the Knas Ekdahl instead, it’s another alternative for around the same price and the springs are exposed so you can play them. Obviously can’t compare with the Vermona though as I never tried it. It has no envelopes but has a lo/hi filter and lfo and cv options, getting the 0-Coast myself this weekend, can’t wait to try the two together.

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I’ve got a 0-Coast and was thinking the retroverb might be a good partner for it. Will check out the Knas too.

Been looking at this as an alternative to the Elektron Heat - it’s different (primarily spring reverb, it’s mono etc.), but it’s also got some drive/coloring features that aren’t all that different than some of the effects on the Heat. Anybody have experience with the Retroverb unit, and care to share any thoughts/feeling on it?

I actually sold my Analog Heat 2 days ago, and bought the Filter Lancet as a pseudo replacement. Not bothered about it being mono tbh. It’s coming later today, so I’ll try and post my thoughts at some point.

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I’ve actually found over time that the spring reverb is about the least useful part of the box. It has a slightly indistinct sound due the springs being relatively short, and even putting it first in the signal chain, I haven’t found you can exert a great deal of control over it. You can sometimes get interesting percussive effects by crashing the springs with the button or trigger input.

As for the rest of the unit (which is basically the Filter Lancet) - I think it’s fantastic. The filter is really characterful, the envelope can be really snappy or very languid. The drive and ‘Balls’ settings can really fatten up spindly sounds, and the LFO is cool. Unless you are really keen on the spring reverb, the Filter Lancet will give you the same unit only a bit cheaper.

Mono is the big drawback, and you can’t exercise control of the unit like you can the Heat with its digital brain, but I have both and find uses for both.


agreed about the somewhat ineffective spring reverb… the filter does sound sweet, however. it’s got a creaminess about it, and the build is excellent. looking at prices for it nowadays, you could probably find a new one for the price of a Filter Lancet… regarding a filter comparison, I get the impression that the Analog Heat’s filter sounds ‘harder’, or more petrified somehow. of course the Retroverb can’t really compare feature-wise, it still has a really nice character. splitting the stereo outs of a Digitakt (one through the effects box, one direct to a mixer) gives you effective control of the wet/dry mix.

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Yes, good tip about splitting the outputs. I’d agree the way to look at it is as a box that is half the price of the Heat, rather than directly comparing the two.

Here’s a demo of the Retroverb Lancet. Maybe you find it useful.


You’re getting some really nice sounds there! Probably the best demo I’ve heard of the thing :slight_smile:

I love my retroverb, it just has a really nice sound to everything that it does! for anyone who’s a fan of the nuances of analogue gear, I really recommend it.

I just got l of these for my brithday.

Its amazing! The depth and range of sounds you can get out of this thing is insane.

The distortions are very pleasing, the filter is gorgeous, and the reverb is right up my street. So far Ive had it as a prefader send on my mixer.

Stoked on this unit, it will be used on everything.


Happy Birthday!

Yes these are beautiful machines.

I once sold an Analog Heat & replaced it with the Filter Lancet.



Yeah, its a beatiful sounding thing. Totally incredible what it can do to any sound source.
We had a vocal sample sounding like a synth, full on zappy saw tooth sound. Bonkers.

Digitone Chords and pads through the band pass filter with spring verb… ooof.

Ive got a Heat also, the Vermona is some thing else entirely.