Update including more filter types?

haha okay, Peter. thanks for the advice.

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I remember reading someone saying you can pull your low pass filter to where you want it…then resample and push the high pass up. That’s the work around to bandpass.

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Got the digitakt yesterday - and was really surprised when there wasn’t a band pass - especially when there is a ui for one there already! I can’t remember right now, but doesn’t the compressor basically have one?

I do not think a second filter will ever be implemented. But the band pass?
Those enigmatic choices cannot be understood under common logic!
Anyway, a real new filter type could be a comp filter, in the sense that is has been implemented, for example, in Waldorf blofeld synth. This could expose many different sound sculpture posibilities and cannot be that cpu intensive in order not to be an option. And the band pass of course.


I like the idea of a master filter that each track has a dry/wet parameter for. This could make the control all function very powerful.

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It will forever remain a mystery to me why Elektron abandoned the base/width paradigm for their digital filters. It was perfect.


Strictly speaking, they didn’t. It’s on the DN, which was released after DT. But I totally agree that the base/width filter is perfect, especially for shaping a mix across the entire machine.


The DN filter implementation is totally different from the base/width approach on the OT and MNM. The latter is much more flexible and interesting IMO.

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Yes, OT filter (with the extra distortion parameter) is a beauty, agreed. Still, having the second filter page of DN would make the DT far more flexible for creating complete tracks without having to resort to resampling/using a DAW etc.


Agreed, DT is a cool machine but this was a dealbreaker for me.

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That will be my big deception about the DT, I really can’t understand why they are making a hash of their product like this…

+1, such a strange decision on the DT, really wish they’d add this option as it would be such a useful feature


always seemed like one of the initial ommisions that would get added promptly. I’m still puzzled by the decision.
it’s one of the reasons I ended up selling it.

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Let’s hope that Elektron is reading comments like this and can squeeze the code that extra bit to get a base-width filter added to a second filter page. It would also make working with DT and DN in combination that little bit more seamless. The amount of times I double tapped FLTR when I had DT! :sweat_smile:


At the same time maybe the can implement transpose!!! Like Digitone

Agreed, I would get a Digitakt if it had a 2nd page base filter like the Digitone. :heart:


So now that we got the 2nd page… AND the multimode EQ…

Just had the idea:

Would it be possible to control both filters for an advanced bandpass filter with one knob (with a MIDI processor that translates one CC to two) with either MIDI feedback loop or another device?

I suppose MIDI CC 74 and 84 should work for this?

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