Update Analog Rytm MK2

I don’t think these are really real issues anymore, since a long time already. I think for years now things have been pretty stable.


That’s really good to know :smirk::+1:t3:

Now we can talk about the relevant future updates :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


There’s never been a time in history where there has been so much choice in terms of new hardware, software and also the level of quality and standards that are available, and all within reach value wise!

Unfortunately, I doubt companies would be able to stay afloat if they didn’t release products with these incremental gains. I totally get why they do it, especially with the development time to create new products (in a saturated market) and the return on investment from existing products to fund that process.

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Updating the firmware prolongs the desirability of their product. Investing in new hardware - prototyping, tooling and marketing is costly. Extending the lifespan of an existing product avoids this expenditure, allows Elektron to continue to sell with lesser costs, and simultaneously builds great current customer goodwill. The Digitakt prices have gone up since its launch, not down or static.

I think all of us here want Elektron to do well, and asking for Analog updates after the Digi boxes is to ensure our investment in their flagships are well protected for us, as it is also good for them.


We are finally granted two LFOs, but for some odd software reason they can no longer go to audio rates.



I just found one where empty param locks retrigerring something they shouldn’t, already opened a ticket for it.


Ahh daim!

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I watch this video like once a month. If you’re interested, the sound pack “new blood” contains the tracks they demo. It’s been incredibly instructive to me in terms of learning creative ways to use the analog side of the AR.

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thanks, just downloaded the pack and definitely going to study it :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing out that video - I’ve watched only a few minutes so far and already learned new things.

Love the Rytm

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Updating the octatrack OS after TEN!!! years is still one of the coolest customer service moves ever.


There’s an output bug.

When all voices are patched to their external sockets and removed from the main mix and just the fx come from the main outs, there is an issue with in my case MT/HT coming through the main output REALLY loud.

For other people it’s the same issue but the kick.

As someone who likes to rock things out over a desk, manipulating sounds on there, it’s a real shame it doesn’t do as it is meant to.


I had this happen to me once only, and it happened when I had the AR connected to logic with overbridge. I though maybe overbridge or some kind of midi loop might’ve been causing this bug then… does it happen to you when connected to a computer, or strictly on the AR as well?

I would hug everyone I saw if they fixed this bug. Bothers me almost every day.


Ok good to know - hope they sort this!

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I’ve found another bug of LFO being triggered when it shouldn’t
guess not all bug are fixed yet

first empty param locks, now lfo, I think my unit is a rebellion that doesn’t follow the rules…

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It was sat independently of anything else other than audio jacks to the mixing desk

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Overnight, with no updates and just moving the machine back to my workspace, the bug has “spread” / “mutated” and now the BD can’t be removed from the main output, whereas before the issue only occurred with MT/HT.

Interestingly it no longer impacts MT/HT, only BD.

I haven’t connected to Overbridge, I haven’t updated anything or loaded a new project.
It’s REALLY vexing as I had some recording to do today and now I’m lost in trying to troubleshoot instead.

do it already goddamnit!!!


my faith in this update is dwindling…