Unique dirty, raw, fun synths?

Monotron Delay?


Syntrx would be my pick. It’s raw tone and experimental architecture makes it perfect for all kinds nasty sounds.

From the synths I’ve never played the PWM Malevolent seems v interesting and I love the mad distorted sounds I’ve heard from it. One of the most interesting new synths out there atm I reckon.


2.739 € … I assume you wanted to reply just to the thread, not my “on a budget” comment I guess :smiley:


Indeed yes! :slight_smile:

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Maybe the little Elmyra? More of a mini-Lyra than Strega though

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been intrigued by a (new?) maker in the drone-y experimental realm - have a small range of units - Synamodec

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Monotron delay > DOD death metal :raised_hands:

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This is the Sismo ICE. It’s new and not on their web-site yet, but you can find it for sale at places like Tindie and Etsy, and Reverb and other places.

The Sismo ICE is around 400 ( EU / US ) money units.

Sismo offers some good bang for buck in this wierd industrial sound synth. You do need to connect up stuff to control it. Definitely look at their other modules, which are even less expensive.

I think Sismo is from Portugal.


Also check out this other thread which covers some similar territory.


rozzbox review :wink:


Some of the the JMT synths, like the LD-2.

Trogotronics Model 673 WaveWraith
Tube based synth with lots of CV control.
Warning – If fingernails on a chalkboard causes you discomfort, this video may cause seizures, be ready with volume knob.

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It doesn’t look unique but I think the ik multimedia synth uno pro is really awesome with the step sequencer that has parameter locks. You can make some unique, raw fun sounds.

It sounds like the audio is coming from a microphone (maybe the camera’s), who knows then how it actually sounds?

… a little exploration on the Hydrasynth, which gets my vote :wink:

Bastl Softpop v2

Erica DB-01, especially if you look past the 303-format.


The original Volca FM. It’s not out-of-control dirty, more like that’s-got-some-hair-on-it dirty.

(Seems like the mk2 with the reverb off should do exactly the same thing, but I have an irrational faith in the power of the mk1. I pray to it when I am in trouble.)

Also (since giving the dumb obvious answer is what I do): Any synth you already own through a proco rat or other filth pedal.


Truth. Waldorf rocket through a big muff is dirty like drinking a six pack of beer and five coffees (or one four lokos malt beverage) at 4 in the morning.


Bastl Softpop V1


That’s called a porter… or a stout, maybe.