Ultimate Bassline Weapon

opinions seem to vary a lot here. Many say besides the overdrive they do sound almost the same. I never heard the mk2. In demos it sounds very A4ish though.

Theres even patches only for the mk. 2. Theyre different synths.

not ultimate, but secret:

revealing just because no one would buy it just for bass duties :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What do you think of MM2 for bass duties?

They sound digital. Nothing to compare with the Analog Drive. But they certainly bring variety and something interesting to the Sound.

Basic example. Foldback Algo. Playing with Gain and Mix.


Besides the Mk1 vs Mk2 part in the discussion that followed here (about which I can’t say anything, never had the Mk1), I cán add that actually I almost alway aim for my bass to sit slightly above my kick. I love a deep, low, hard kick, so it’s true that for my A4 bass sounds I like how it easily sounds good a bit more towards the mid-range. I never really use sub-bass, so can’t say much towards that.

Studio Electronics ATC-1.

Pioneer Toraiz AS-1 isn’t too shabby either.


Waldorf Pulse 2 - The sub gets so low that the synth almost doubles as a laxative.


agreed. my preference is for deeper, hard hitting kicks, so a lot of deep bass makes the mix too muddy. or, at least, i don’t know how to mix well enough to get low bass and heavy kicks to coexist with definition.


I wouldn’t even have the monitors / subwoofer to know or not :wink:

I’m shopping for a bass synth. I kind of assumed I’d get a Moog Minitaur because I love big fat analog bass and I don’t have the desk space for a Korg MS-20.

But now I’m intrigued by the idea of getting a 0-Coast for a more versatile option.


Patch memory really motivates the Minitaur or SE-02…

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0 coast does huge basses, but many typical bass sounds (acid etc) depend on a resonant filter.
on the other hand you can do the not typical stuff on the 0 coast which is a great thing generally :upside_down_face:


I almost always use just a pure sine wave ran through an old Akai sampler or just Ableton’s Operator default patch (with a little FM for punch) for the tonic of my bass but then layer that sound with the A4 mki. Using friend’s moogs, prophets, modulars, etc. I’ve found that huge analog bass sounds never gel well with what I’m trying to accomplish in my music, so I like how I can use the A4 mki as a “bad speaker helper” on a club-rattling bassline without having to do any crazy EQing/multi-band compressing to fight for the low end space. Feel like the device was tuned specifically for this kind of mix sitting in mind, but might sound a little lacking in a one-device jam setting of a music store or youtube video.


Check out doepfer dark Energy. Mk 1’s go for 250 euros and it does really gnarly bass


I’ve wanted to try an Akai MFC-42 for ages but haven’t been able to lay hands on one. Would you say it’s akin to the Sherman?

I never tried a Sherman so I can’t comment.

They’re opposite filters in many ways. You can produce huge low end with both but the MFC-42 is as wise as the filterbank is a savage beast which can be impredictable.

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A generous serving of low EQ (bell) sometimes with HPF engaged. Been my ultimate weapon for 30 years (in various boxes). Works for any Bass synth patch too

That’s a nice little jam there!

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