Ultimate Bassline Weapon

I really like this one for basses. Easy and quick and sounds great


MS10 & MS20
Doepfer Dark Energy

I wasn’t that impressed by the Minitaur, it sounded very lacking compared to a Minimoog or MS10 and MS20.


I had MS10, original SE1, both great but huge!
I was interested in SE02, finally I recently took a Pulse 2 I wanted since a long time.
Not deceiving at all, close to what I want, but after hearing the Typhon, sounding so good I have to compare them side by side!

Typhon has great fx, and apparently great ergonomy for live tweaking! I also prefer the form factor, it would be next to Micromonsta 2.

Is Typhon distortion analog?
Edit : Apparently Digital (algorithms).

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Yeah, physical size is the only reason I don’t own an MS10 or MS20 at this point.


Someone who owns db01 and typhon? How do they compare for bass duties? I heard great demos of both. The db01 sequencer looks more fun


I’m curious too !

That’s why I was so happy to get an MS-20M… though I’ve not used it for basslines much as yet. For that the Dominion Club or 0-Coast have both been more than adequate, as have the Analog 4 and Typhon, but by far the weightiest is pinging the creaking old SH-1 filter or a Frostwave Resonator MS-20 filter clone pedal with Analog 4 CV.

Mini was still too tall for me, and I actually disliked the minikeys a lot. Getting a kit version is on my bucket list for sure! They’re just kinda hard to find, and every time I’ve seen one available I’ve been broke.

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I was lucky with the module version at a decent price at the right time. It’ll happen for you one day, hopefully!

So what do you think of it?
How are the digital distortions?
Other Fx?

It’s incredible - really nice being able to save presets for a start, and the sequencer, while a bit fiddly to programme with the sliders sometimes, is terrific, as are the modulators with all their numerous destinations. I don’t use the distortions a huge amount, but they are good, particularly the foldback. The other effects are great, especially the reverbs and delays and the new granular effect is intriguing. I love it, especially the morphing wave shapes, which have been carefully thought out, and the bass is huge, as is to be expected from Dreadbox.


For me it’s either:

  • A4, I like it for bass actually. The fact that it’s not the deepest thickest analog sounding bass makes it easy to fit in a mix I think
  • AS-1, need to incorporate it more but love the sound
  • DualOsc from Rytm, or just a bass synth sample on the Rytm. Sometimes I feel samples on the Rytm translate better across a wider chromatic/octave range then on the OT. Feels counterlogical, the OT having time stretching. Maybe it’s the chromatic pad mode on the Rytm that just feels better…? Or maybe I’m mixing the synths and samples up in the Rytm; obviously the synth engines play better chromatically.

I’m currently not using the DN in my standard setup, but I’ve always been amazed at how beautiful full and presise those fm basses are.

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Same AF is my go to for bass, great analog sound very controlled fits into the mix beautifully.
I’ve got a korg monologue which sounds big but it just does not work well in a mix ever for me


Only problem is that the oscillators lack actual bass frequencies. I mean you can make it work in a mix, but the bass is more like lower mid than bass. I’ve found that the filters can produce some really thich sub bass sounds, but they’re very clean and you can’t really add distortion or modulation to them.

AF can do low frequencies, I have a few presets I love that have plenty of lows,
they just aren’t overwhelming the entire sound, so don’t really agree with you there

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On such a flexible synth, I prefer a more ‘neutral osc sound’ and that the timbre doesn’t have too much low end or bumps somewhere in the mid range or super crystal high end etc.

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I Have a mk. 1 analog 4 as well and we are probably Talking about the same thing from different perspectives. Theres a reason why elektron tweaked the synth architecture for mk. 2, enough to Make it sound like a completely different synth.

Truth is while it may be just what you like, you cannot get “classic”, fat synth bass sounds out of a mk. 1 A4.

I’ve got the mk2, so can’t speak for the mk1…
I like the bass on it anyhow, works for me and prefer it over my others synths because of the reasons I said usability etc

Same for M:C. Super easy to get clear, hard hitting bass out of it.

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It sounds a lot different from the mk. 1.