Ultimate Bassline Weapon

Yes, at this point I realize that arrangement is what gives me that “killer bass”, instrument selection in isolation doesn’t.


I don’t really have one specific thing I must use or go to. But I’ll throw mine out there. I often just in using the OT lately will just use the 24db filter, having the bass/base? knob as well as the filter cutoff and resonance in play to acquire some pounding bass. Cut out some of the bass using the bass knob, up the resonance to about 2-3 O-clock, and bring the filter cutoff in until I get the 3 knobs just right to make whatever sample I’m using into that speaker crushing bass.

Otherwise I mean, all I have to say is Moog, as I use a Sub Phatty and well, nuff said on that one right?

I enjoy using the Arturia Minibrute for bass when I use it, as it is it’s own thing, love adding the brutefactor feedback knob to get distorted. And I have a sample of my Volca Beats killer kick as that is some thick analog bass to use.

After all MS-20 is still very cool for “electro” type of bass
And MS20FS isn’t a toy!
(watch or scroll till the end )

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It has been mentioned a bunch of times, but I’ll go one more, the Minitaur has a really solid and substantial core bass sound. It is just great.

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Kawai 110F is a beautiful synth!

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When it worked it was a little monster. Thick, rounded and pretty powerful. Then the keybed died. It’s an oddball thing that’s not easy to repair. Ditto the multi pole octave switch thats mounted on the main board. It runs on a non standard CV too so not straightforward to interface. I’ll get around to fixing it up one day tho.

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I say just get an SH 2 again.


I agree but I now prefer my slimphatty much more !


Slim Phatty seems nice, hate the name, but I love what I heard, and more versatile than the Minitaur I’m sure. But I don’t mind the single purpose of the Minitaur, less to think about, it does bass really well, that’s it.

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I vote DSI Tetra


I going to be buried with my BugBrand DRM2.

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i sold mine to afford a Pro-5 mk4 ;_;

Honestly I have enough and shouldn’t want for more, but it did sound great.

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Actually yeah… After getting Tetra spontaneously I’ve discovered it’s super nice on basses… As well as Tempest : )

Using them both together as my bass machines atm : )

My update:

I’ve got all these here right now, and they’re all great!

Any competent 303 or clone
Analog Four
If I can be cheeky (my FlexWave VCO)

The Grandmother really stands out though at the moment.


SH101 raw into a channel strip
SH101 fed into Vermona Retroverb Lancet via prefader send.

Blend these two channels together… so juicy


Have a little moog-tick since a few days…
want to find Voyager… seems like insane bass machine… and even with 1 osc there’s something about Voyagers filters…
Why don’t they reissue it…

just a random vid


I had been into “West Coast” style synthesis for probably the last 15-20 years, and just recently realized how much I miss the Moog (and others OB, Sequential style sounds). So it started with my Prophets, and then I ended up deciding that a competent Moog monosynth was actually what I was missing. I do not regret that decision at all. I will own another Sequential eventually, but I want a keyboard version, and have no space for it for the time being. The Hydra Deluxe is taking all that type of space, and no vertical space for proper tiering either for now.

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Great to know you like GM! Mini on the other hand is such a great design… simple but still capable of doing such a great sonic variety even without patch points.

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The Grandmother has a certain something to it. It’s got that “old Moog” sound ala Mort Garson, Wendy Carlos, etc. definitely Moog Modular territory. Hard to describe really, but when you hear it, it’s apparent. The playability factor is up there with any keyboard Moog.


Yeah… well… I like GM a lot, even better than Matriarch. Somehow played both only in a store and MCH feel more weak and soft than GM… maybe a matter of sound design… And they should play nicely with my dfam… And it’s anyway cheaper than 2K$ Voayger RME…

Something to consider…

Voyager is such a beast! : ) Stereo filters…

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