Trig Condition % Values [SOLVED]


I recently received my A4 MK2 after saving up for it. Everything seems to be in perfect working order but I was curious if it’s normal for the trig condition response to not increase in values of “1”. My unit seems to increase at weird integers values (2, 3, 6, 7 maybe a 9) and not consecutives (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) on percent chances. For example I cannot program a trig to play at exactly 60% in the Trig Condition parameter lock for a specific note.

Is this normal operation? Just thought it was weird.


Normal. Can’t remember right now for the A4, but the OT and AR have 21 different % values.


Thanks Rusty!

Wasn‘t there a version of the OS where you had to scroll through the entire 100% in integers just to get to the A:B conditions? It was really cumbersome.

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Never saw that, it’s always been a spread of values in my experience

For op, if you use a midi monitor you would see that the midi values increase in integer steps of 1 if scrolled slowly enough

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Pretty sure that’s how it works on my OT and AK^^
Running older firmwares, so maybe that was changed?
I never use percentages, though, only the other conditions. I’m using quite a lot A:B conditions, always have to scroll through all percentages to reach A:B conditions.

Probaply when I switch on my machines later it’ll work not like I remember it…
Welcome to the matrix.

I don’t have access to a midi monitor, but I have run test mode to confirm that indeed my potentiometer is correct it’s definitely a A4 software quirk on Elektron’s side. Just weird it’s a seemingly arbitrary set of values, I would have expected like (5%, 15%, 25%) not the current mixture of strange percent options you have to scroll through. Truth be told I mostly use the ratios as other users have stated, but for more esoteric patterns I think percentages are nice.

Anyone else want to confirm for firmware 1.4 on A4 MK2 that this is normal? Haha

Thx for responding

it is 100% normal and has only ever been this way - it would be meaningless to have 100 values for % which is an average anyway, there would be no musical difference between 49/50/51 in reality and in practice 41 50 59 could reveal that there were more hits with 40 on occasional bars than one set at 59

The weighting is non linear, so they just stuck with seemingly arbitrary values, but the UI is well considered imho


Completely normal. I don’t remember the exact values from the top of my head and the manual doesn’t list them, but I think the percentages relate to fractions like 1/100, 1/50, 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 9/10, 99/100 or something along those lines. The intention probably was to provide enough options that are different enough without overloading the selection process.


Possible % values FTR (weighted resolution at each end)

1 2 4 6 9 13 19 25 33 41 50 59 67 75 81 87 91 94 96 98 99


Yes I guess after thinking about it, perhaps the selection of value in this case doesn’t matter in actuality with the probability of sound being played, especially when you consider they already have a good selection of ratios that are quantified to a more “rounded/predictable” value.

Thanks again for the help and explanations, it makes more sense to me why the team chose these values


It’s an approximation of a triangle wave; spread over 21 values; with the same ascending/descending values (i.e. mirrored)

The values make a lot of sense; and having access to all hundred possible percentage values would not add much (42% vs 43%?) compared to the UI/UX overhead (i.e. all the scrolling through)

1 = 1/100th [99]
2 = 1/50th [98]
4 = 1/25th [96]
