The Virus TI2 desktop made me sell all my synths

You have a keyboard or desktop? Doesn’t local control get turned off in usb mode, thus no sound?

Are they sysex commands? Or something completely different?
Can you point me in the direction of any documentation about that?

Edit to your edit: yeah, I’m not expecting to see anything from virus to open it up because of that. I knew there’s a licensing issue. That and he’s pretty much over the virus. I’m sure he cant wait for it to sell out and just be done with it.

also, do you have an iPhone or iPad? Do those same audio outputs show up there?

no, as I said, this is raw usb.
as I said, the TI starts up as a ‘vendor specific’ USB Device, so you have to talk to it as such, once you send these bytes… then it switches to be a usb midi device.

I can do better, I can point you to the axoloti code I wrote to do this :slight_smile:

basically, its this :

   static uint8_t seq[] = { 0x4e, 0x73, 0x52, 0x01 }; 
   USBH_BulkSendData(phost, seq, sizeof(seq), MIDI_Handle->OutPipe,false);

I have the keyboard but (at least here) if the MIDI is not recognized it will not switch to local off. So I guess the story is: a) It is not really class compliant except when you do what @thetechnobear mentioned which is good to know and b) the MPC seems to have that linux driver installed which is a really nice feature. And this was confirmed in another thread:

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oh, just noticed… I added a comment (in above file) which points to the linux kernel change that implemented this … so you can see where I got this info from :slight_smile:

LKML: Sebastien Alaiwan: [PATCH][ALSA] usbmidi support for Access Music synths.

this is also probably where I heard about usb audio being supposed to work

but as mentioned, when I tried this … I found there were some issue, so kind of classified it as ‘not-working’

to be ‘complete’ , I was also told by Access (support) that if you did not install their (virus) driver, then the TI would appear as an audio device… but Ive never got that to work either.
(this is the bit I think support perhaps had a bit of ‘misinformation’ on)

all that said, I admit, really I didn’t care too much about audio over usb, as I preferred using my main audio interface… so whilst Ive tried a few times over the years, Ive never given it a huge amount of effort… Id say the quote above from Sebastien means some have had it working at some point of time… just there’s no really information about it.

indeed, it can’t really be called ‘class compliant’ since compliance requires that it just plugs in and works without ‘extra software’.
(Its a real shame that didn’t just add this to a virus menu setting, then it would be class compliant.)

yeah, MPC is based on linux kernel, so thats why it works.
the macOS project you pointed to , is basically just sending these bytes, and the wrapping this new midi stream… so is also based on this class compliance.

the assumption is that the Access Virus VST is doing the same too… basically it just switches the Virus to class compliant modes, and then accesses the audio/midi streams.
(Id assume someone just watched the USB traffic of the VST, and this is how these magic bytes were ‘discovered’)


I’m really just looking at things to slim my live rig down. So an instrument that doubles would be helpful. I’d prefer a drum machine to do this as most of my hardware synths have moved over to software. My MDs (and everyone else’s) are in that “too risky to be carting with you to every gig” territory (even if it had usb audio), and I doesn’t care for any of the newer elektron stuff so the AR is right the fuck out. So I’ve been looking at synths like the polar. Again, never owned a virus, but always intrigued by them, so here I am seeing the feasibility of it and trying to get clarification :slight_smile:
Thanks for your links

Lol, well I have no idea, all I know is that MIDI works flawlessly with the MPC ONE via USB.


yeah, its completely reliable - Ive used the virus usb midi for years.

as you surmised, one port is to the synth engine of the virus… the other is to the DIN ports.
which is also kind handy, means you can use it as a usb->midi interface for other gear.

Virus is such a great synth :slight_smile:

@Kosmology does the Virus appear as an audio interface to the MPC?
now that it supports external audio interfaces…
as above the kernel theoretically supports it, but Ive never got it to work with any linux distro Ive tried… but perhaps with some effort it could work.

EDIT: ok, just seen you said it wasn’t working
(sorry, catching up on posts in this topic)


I wouldn’t be surprised if the virus audio is showing up as 48k on your mac, thus the MPC not seeing it.

I hadn’t looked tbh, Ive just checked and it does show up in the list but when selecting it locks for a few seconds and then switches back to internal saying there’s an error.

I know this thread is about the Virus being so good that it made me sell my other synths, but I’m really enjoying using it with other synths right now. For example, I’m using my TI2 Darkstar as a midi keyboard for my new Waldorf Pulse II and it is so nice being able to process the Pulse with all of the Virus’s FX. The reverb, bit crushers, EQ, and chorus sound so good with the Pulse; it’s a match made in heaven, and everything is so tidy with only a couple cables between the two devices.


Anyone here using mystery islands editor with m1 macs? Do they still work correctly?

The old editor was a pain to work with and I haven’t tried using it since I got an M1

Any feedback? And if it works, what do I actually need to connect the virus ti to my m1? Apparently the direct usb connection won’t work?

Sorry, so many noob questions…

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I need to try the Mystery Islands editor on my Virus B on M1, only just made the switch and haven’t installed it yet.

I am thinking of upgrading my B to a C at the very least. I love the look of the layout of the C, the third oscillator and reverb/delay being on the front panel is pretty awesome.

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I have it running with a TI2 on a MacBook Air M1. Also installed the USB driver which is pretty straight forward, only issue is you have to download 11GB of Xcode :roll_eyes: But I guess you can delete it afterwards.

It would be cool if someone with a Developer certificate could just build it and provide it to us…

Anyone? :slight_smile:

And one issue is that if you turn off the Virus of course the USB MIDI in the Mac is gone and next time you use the editor you have to select the MIDI ins and outs again. Or you exit Ableton before you turn of the TI2 I guess. As I usually leave Live running that is a bummer but no fault of the Editor really.

And of course when you connect the USB cable the Virus goes local off. Like it always has and it sucks… :slight_smile:

In the end I might just buy another MIDI interface…

Edit: mystery islands editor now provides a proper midi driver!

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Any one use Touch for Virus ?

DSP56300 Emulation really is super these days,


Just bought a TI2 and also have been selling a lot of stuff off. Just need to have one good polysynth and one good mono…now I gotta decide to keep either the OT or the Deluge for sequencing the Virus. I have a Syntakt so I can use that at times for sequencing and keep the Deluge I’m thinking…ugh, too many choices.


Nauts collective hive knowledge required:

I am looking for a decksaver for a Ti desktop. Needs to be sturdy like the transparent ones you get for elektron boxes.
What I’ve found so far is just dust covers.
Lager boxes are okay, too.
Not interested in big cases like thon cases.

Anyone got an idea or a source? Shop should be located in the EU.


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