The Virus TI2 desktop made me sell all my synths

Likely not the solution you are looking for, but I simply installed High Sierra on an external HD and run the Virus software from it (for exactly that purpose).

Thanks, I was wishing there would be an easier solution. But if not I’ll also go that route


Just FYI: I tried using a Virtual Machine (Vmware) and it felt unstable. The external HD w/ old OS (you can still d/l old versions from Apple) seemed like the safer route.

I was able to run High Sierra in VMWare Fusion and backing up my TI2. But in the end I will keep an old Mac mini just for that. you can get 2012 Mac minis with i5 for 100€ nowadays, and they are still really good, especially if you replace the HD with SSD. Or an old MacBook. I wonder you could probably use an old Mac for Total Integration and Editor via USB and run midi and the audio in a sound card of the “modern” Mac. But on the other side WTF, I am still really happy programming it on the HW. Best idea was to load init sounds in my Bank D and dive into the world of sound creation

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Yeah, exactly. Quickly tried the plugin when I got the Virus like 10 years ago. But in the end it was just not stable and a pain in the ass. Was always just sequencing it from my OT ever since. I really only need the utility stuff for backups and exchanging banks. On the other hand there are already more sounds stored on the device than I’ll ever need


Indeed. I was just pointing out that High Sierra runs perfectly well with a fairly recent (2019) Macbook Pro.

Like you, I just edit on the hardware. After a couple of weeks, one knows instinctively where every edit menu click leads…

I downloaded the demo and I’m going to dive into it tomorrow. It’s a damn shame that it doesn’t do audio over usb like the Access software did though. That would be so nice next to the Overbridge plug ins.
Do you know if you absolutely have to use a midi cable to use this software? Or can it be done over USB. I have the midi out from my interface sending the main clock to everything so I imagine it would be a massive pain in the ass to have to figure out a way around that. I could always just hook up midi out right to the virus if I want to dig into the software but I don’t think I’d be able to have it hooked up like that permanently

Not absolutely sure, might work with MIDI over USB too, anyone can confirm?

I don’t use a Mac very often but I will say that USB midi is class compliant and actually works with the MPC ONE/Live so should work. In terms of USB audio it’s very temperamental on many machines, and more hassle that it’s worth in my experience. When using virus control it is still more reliable to use the audio outs into an audio interface to ensure it’s glitch free and avoid the ARP issues. At one point I was using USB audio along with 3 Overbridge devices and spent more time trouble shooting than making any music and don’t use any of it anymore, so bear that in mind when I say any of this.

I was under the impression virus midi is not class compliant. Has something changed in the past few years?

I’ve always considered buying a virus, but the class compliant thing always held me back. I don’t use desktop DAWs (heavy iOS user) and I don’t wanna deal with midi interfaces. Rather just plug it into a hub and go.

If I does this now, id possibly consider again, but recently things that are “too much synth” has been a turn off for me. I get them and I just get bored constantly programming 1 synth and getting into every nook and cranny of them. I always say “this one will be different” and so far I end up selling synths left and right. In other threads, I kept alluding I was gonna be the guy who steals @Wolf-Rami’s v-synth cause “I’m sure I’ll keep this one”. Lasted a month (sorry @Wolf-Rami). I have been sitting on the loot and putting off picking up an alesis A6 because it’s a synth I always wanted, but probably would do the same thing.

But if someone can confirm I can use 2in/2out audio AND midi, all class compliant over USB, I might consider picking up a snow and testing the waters.

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The audio isn’t class compliant but the midi is. I too didn’t think it was, but actually somebody in the MPC thread told me it works fine with the MPC and I tried it and sure enough it did. I was using the midi ports up until then. The audio side definitely isn’t class compliant though unfortunately.

You sure, I swear it’s the other way around and the midi wasn’t class compliant because of their desktop software. And audio was class compliant for a stereo pair, not multiple outs. Now I’m gonna have to look :confused:
@papertiger up there back in may states audio is class compliant

All can say is that the MPC sees 2 midi devices, one is for the internal synth and presumably the other is the external midi ports. I can’t test for compliance for it on my computers as I already have the drivers installed. I’ll give it a test in the iPad later on though which I’ve never tried. As far as I know the MPC only sees class compliant midi devices, there is zero chance they would have integrated access drivers specifically for the live imo.

Virus TI USB is not MIDI class compliant. If you do not have any kind of driver installed it will not work. That is also why you cannot use it with iPads. And why someone created a MIDI driver which seems to work quite well if you know how to use Apple Developer Tools. If someone with a Developer Account could build and sign it it would be really cool… was already posted above:

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That is interesting… I wonder how that could possibly work. Will try again on my Mac without any Access software installed…

It’s a stretch when akai says “class compliant interfaces work”, because only 44.1 works. Isn’t the virus 48?

I’ve seen this and looked at it a while ago, but I thought I read somewhere that you lose the usb audio if you use that midi driver. As above, and even on that GitHub page says what I’ve always been told. Audio is compliant, midi is not. The patch base guy even says his virus editor for iOS won’t work over usb.

Well, I’m also kinda realizing just now, even if both audio and midi did work, it still requires an ac adapter…so…probably not my ideal solution. Makes sense tho w/ the amt of processing in the TIs

Well I just tried it on a MacBook with Monterey. It recognises Audio 2/6 and I can even play my Mac through the Virus which is cool. But it does not see MIDI at all Which is a PITA. And I guess there is no way to tell the virus to route Audio to the Mac as nothing comes into Logic if I play it. I remember you need to configure it via the TI plugin which no longer works :rofl:

Would be really interesting to see if the MPC sees the MIDI interface. I wonder how that could work.

USB Midi Class compliance

the Virus TI is ‘kind of’ USB midi class compliant … let me explain :wink:

so out of the box, it is not in class compliant mode… you need to send it some ‘magic bytes’. (*)
this then switches it to usb class compliant mode.

so… this is why you do not see it on Windows and Mac.
though you can make it appear by sending these bytes.

however, the Linux kernel had these bytes hacked into it MANY years ago, so many linux based setups will indeed see the Virus as a midi device.

indeed, years back, I added the same support to the Axoloti DSP board :slight_smile:

(*) unfortunately, these have to be sent as a raw usb message… so its not something you can send via midi or similar.

USB Audio class compliance…

I was told by Access that the TI is audio class compliant in a similar way to the midi class compliance
but Ive never got this working, or seen anyone else get it working - so Ive doubts about this…
Im sure it probably at some level this is probably a true fact, but its not that simple… and we are missing some vital details.

unfortunately, a lot of these details are not forthcoming because Access are used 3rd party software/license in this area … so really its not theirs to ‘give away’, hence why unfortunately we will never see it open sourced :frowning: