The Virus TI2 desktop made me sell all my synths

Unplug usb if you have it connected to your Virus as well as Midi.
Are you on PC or Mac?

no usb just midi on pc

Try a different Midi interface?

Maybe contact Mystery Island support, probably something that can easily be sorted out.

Yep. I’ve contacted them a few times over the years. Very helpful. Generally speaking I have nothing but praise for the mystery island plugin.

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ARmkii OB
A4mkii OB
Virus snow TI
16 channels of audio via N12 via firewire

Plus more gear…midi etc…

Win 10
8 gig ram
No dedicated graphics

BUT…latency is 1024!! I get warning messages from ti plugin saying i should reduce latency to 512 occassionally. But never do…

Helps if FL20 is at 4800k

Works o.k. but jitter at high latency has me eyeing off an mpc…

EDIT: I think I have to use SEQUENCER mode instead - I just had a misconception of what it was meant for… I still need some help understanding how to do Program Changes with it’s RAM / Bank / Program structure

I already have my Virus Snow :slight_smile:
So far I love the sound, although I agree that it’s interface can be a bit discouraging to program sounds… so many pages!

I have one question though, maybe you can help me out: I’ve been thinking of using a small setup with Digitakt, Virus Snow and a small MIDI controller (processing the DT using one of the Virus’ parts).
Would it be possible to use a single MULTI patch, and just send Program Change messages to change the patches inside that multi? instead of setting up multiple MULTI patches… then again, I’m not entirely sure what I could potentially loose with this approach.
My idea (for now) is to use the MIDI controller on parameters from the the input part on the virus - so I can apply filter, reverbs, delay, etc… to the Digitakt - kind of like a mixer, in a way.

Yes… you can just have one patch and send program changes from the DT so that each DT pattern loads different Virus Patches. Even change patches for individual plocked steps if you want. DT and virus work well together.


I just gripped a TI2 Darkstar for an really amazing price a few weeks ago. I have to say its a real beast. In the past 6 months I’ve had the Virus Classic and the KC and I have to say the TI2 absolutely blows them out of the water. Its super versatile and robust. I’m not the best synthesist, but the workflow for me is top notch. I can’t stop coming up with inspiring patches.


even though this is an analog modeling synth (something it does very well imo), it really shines when the more digital characteristics and features are brought to the forefront. the nord lead 3 also does this well.


Yeah the wavetable oscillators are great too. Even one wavetable oscillator with no effects at all sounds great.

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Still my favorite synth ever. I should probably get a TI2 before they stop making them (TI still going strong).

It’s the most organic digital thing I’ve heard. Everything is so integrated where the filters, distortions, and effects interact in such unexpected but amazing sounding ways. It’s really easy to make it sound “Alive”. People tend to judge a synth on its raw sound without its FX but the Virus FX/Distortions are what make it a Virus. Huge possibilities always.

I think it’s also easy to make it pretty bland too though if you don’t dig in and experiment, or if you only rely on the 10,000,000 presets that are available.


This is great.

I’d put DT + DN in the Fraction Industries rack mount kit below my Virus TI2.

Must check the shed for suitable wood and get on with it!

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update + bump + asking for advice:
I’ve had my Virus Snow for quite a while now, and although I love how it sounds, I haven’t used it as much as I expected. It probably has something to do with grabbing a MicroFreak that, although much more limited, made me realise the other reason I was probably not using it as much: the amount of menu diving is pretty insane, even for me that I’ve gotten a bit used to that (I’ve been using synths that, although less complex, also involve little controls for lots of functions: Shruthi-1, Audiothingies P6 and - to other extent - Elektron boxes).
I know, I could also design patches with the software… but I (unfortunately - and probably like many o you) don’t click with the ITB approach…
Anyway, a TI appeared on the used market and I’m about to pull the trigger on it. I was hoping to sell my Snow first, but since I can afford it and sell it later, I think I’ll rather do that than miss the opportunity. Yes, I’ll loose the portability… but at the same time, I feel like I haven’t been able to dive deep into such a wonderful synth because of it’s limited control.
Any opinions/advice? Did any of you had the same experience?

If you like the sound of the Virus Snow but aim for more immediate control, the TI will definitely suit you. I had a TI in the past and it’s definitely easy and fast to program. Still some menus thou.

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I’ve had it for a few months already :slight_smile:
tbh I haven’t used it all that much yet, but it’s definately more hands on and fun to use!
still haven’t been able to sell my Snow though… :grimacing:

My Virus B stops me from buying any other synths! I’ve been tempted to trade up for a TI or TI2 but I’m trying to get the most out of the B first.

Just last night finally took the plunge and learned how to program multi programs - I’m impressed by how straightforward this relatively complicated process is within the hardware. I mean it’s clunky for sure - everything in the Virus works on a three layer basis (Parts, Parameters and Values) - but once you get the hang of what things get edited on which layer it’s super simple.

I thought I post here , not to start another thread just for this:
Can anyone tell me if there is a difference on the quality of keys of Ti1 vs Ti2 keyboard version?
(the long one)
Thanks a lot!

I love my C. Hanging on to my Model D and Digitone since they do things the Virus can’t quite nail, but if I had to pare down to one synth it would definitely be the keeper.


Anyone had kind of latency when changing the multi banks? Like pressing the next multi bank button and reacting after 3 sec or so…?

3 seconds seems very long but my TI is a slug at patch changes. I pretty much always only use the Virus in single mode but have tested sending bank and patch changes from the Digitakt in the past and seemless transitions are a no go. There are likely workable solutions; especially because the Virus is 16 part multitimbral and it’s unlikely that all channels would be in use negating the need for a ton of patch changes (although everyone’s use case is different of course). For me it’s not a dealbreaker but I could understand how it could be…

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