The Third Hand

hi richie, nice to see there’s still some interest :relaxed:
i’m currently working on a prototype ON-OFF-ON bought; found a couple of wee buggy things i’m dealing with and hopefully should be taken care of soon.
the initial idea is/was to have the faders as a separate part of the controller unless things change along the way…there’ll be updates once i get the above mentioned buggy things sorted, i hope this helps

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@guga: I’m of course interested in PCBs if left :slight_smile:

:relaxed: i’ll make sure to let you know once i’ve got things sorted altemark :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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Oh cool! If there will be a final product, I am definately in!


…and an update for TTH as well: soo, got those little buggy things out of the way…
the first controller will be on its way to @ON-OFF-ON in the coming week or so, going to do some more tests and perhaps add a couple more features if time allows :relaxed:
@altemark: do get in touch so we can arrange things (you know where to find me… :scream: :grin: )


…that’s the plan @Kreis :slight_smile:

So stoked to test it !

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…testing with some fun :relaxed:

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:slight_smile: !

I’ll be able to sell advertising space on my Rytm when playing live



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…updates! :laughing:

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Hmm almost makes me buy a rythm, so i can hook up a third hand… hmm xmas lights…
