The Mixer Void

i don’t even want to get in to how ridiculous my “mixing” setup is between my summing mixers, interface, my modular, and other hardware units

but i do enjoy the model 1.4 for mixing the elektrons- not much else i could ask for in terms of functionality/sound quality. It’s very close to being perfect for me (although i wish i had a 32 channel version lol)

i have a tx-6… i mainly use it for capturing audio into iOS, i’ve used it a few times with all the inputs occupied and the sound quality is fantastic, i have pretty small/narrow hands and it’s still a challenge. Can’t imagine being someone with bigger/stubbier hands being able to use this thing at all. Even the buttons can be a bit challenging to press


I am about 90% sure this type setup is what I will do. 1.4 and a smaller interface (RME). I have a UFXII that could be sold to offset the costs.

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Here’s the tiny TX-6 surrounded by big bulky Swedish boxes

And compared to its big Xone brother on the DJ side

(all work in progress but I just put all the synth gear on a movable tray that I’m testing different setups with)


This looks wonderful!
Very tidy for a lot of gear.
Love seeing the MKII trinity with the TX-6, you’re tempting me.
Definitely interested to see if Elektron releases another full size device to match the RYTM/A4 MKIIs
My favorite kind of rig, DJ/Production hybrid.
I would definitely have the exact same rig if I let myself by more gear.
Except for the Roland


Do you have the TX mounted with a car phone holder? That’s a good idea

It’s more kind of a desktop stand, I found it in the TX-6 thread actually

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And this is necessary for DVS systems. Timecode from vinyl can’t be processed before reaching the PC.


Sorry for the off-topic post, but every time I see a setup with D2’s I go down a rabbit hole. Can you give a few bits as to how you’re using them in your setup? Remix decks, etc?

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Yeah I’m interested as well.
They are inviting indeed.
Would love a couple but still have an analog mixer.
I really like Traktors controller/midi implementation.
Their midi prefs have been very progressive vs and daw and most other things.

That black Xone 96 is fucking gorgeous too :black_heart:

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Is the black 96 custom or some kind of “skin?”

Thanks guys. I had the PX5 prior which was black and looked better I thought so when I got the 96 I just need to sticker it. Edit: it’s this skin.

I still have the most fun playing records. Each D2 has two decks, which gives me a total of 4 digital and 2 analog decks, allowing me to work any combo of 2 oldschool vinyl, 2 DVS and 2 regular controller decks with cues etc. And with the screens on the D2s I can select tracks in Traktor without ever having to look at the computer screen, kind of a DAWless experience, but with the flexibility of a full digital library to complement my record collection. And this way I was able to convince my inner accountant to spend the money saved by skipping CDJs on Elektron gear.

I’ve dabbled a bit with stems and remix decks but don’t use em much. For live remixing, I’m having a lot of fun figuring out how to use EZbot performance Octatrack template for DJ-ing, blending in acid basslines and Rytm beats that stay in sync thanks to the awesome TX-6 beat detection.


That 96 is so damn tempting.
I’m trying to tell myself I don’t need anything, my set up is fine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m kind of holding out for Elektrons next offering.
If it’s a full sized like the MKIIs im going to want to update all my gear to those


I got a Bluebox and a Faderfox controller for it. It worked fine but did not feel very “playable” to me even with the Faderfox. It’s good if you set and forget it.

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If anyone’s interested in using the Push 3 as a performance FX mixer I just posted about my new setup.


I hope the alternative outcome of this thread is that one of us starts a new mixer company called
VOID, and creates us all some new and interesting mixers. I could go for a VOID 16 about now.


That would be sick! Good name too.
For a while I pursued the idea with friends who build stuff for a living.
Lars from LZX kind of broke it down for me.
Even for seasoned builders it sounds complicated and expensive to build a mixer.

I still think about it a lot tho.
Again I’d love to see Elektron make an offering.
Something from Sequential might be cool too.
They seem to make efficient user friendly choices in compact forms

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I do like how this thread churned out many options.
Some I certainly missed, a few I never considered.

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I’ve got $40 bucks. Let’s do this!


So that’s mean we have, hold on, let me get out the calculator….about $40 bucks. By my rough estimates, we are halfway there.


I need a UK power supply for mine!